Do you want to live in a free, powerful and multicultural nation? Vote on November 5

To the editor: Imagine, so to speak, a nation where people were free to become whatever they wanted. (“Californians least likely to vote cite common reason: They don't like presidential candidates,” June 14)

If people wanted to follow a certain religion, they could do so. If people were rich and powerful, they would still have to respect the law. If people were born with dark skin, it wouldn't matter. If people had medical problems, they would be provided with health care. If people were born in a body of the wrong gender, they would be free to change. If people needed money to study, as long as they progressed, that money would be provided to them.

Full of free people, can you imagine how rich and powerful a nation like that would become? Can you imagine how jealous the rest of the world would be? For the sake of their children, ambitious people from all over the world would try to immigrate.

On November 5, the United States will be able to get closer to that ideal. Vote.

Merle Borg, San Diego


To the editor: Former President Trump has been deeply distressed by the shark-or-electrocution dilemma he raised in a recent speech.

What his critics fail to understand is that Trump, like Jesus, spoke metaphorically.

The shark, of course, represents the legal system that persecutes him: relentless, predatory, capable of swimming in both state and federal waters.

The ship's battery represents President Biden: sputtering, possibly sinking, but still planning to give Trump a jolt.

I ask you: who in their right mind would not choose this ultimate form of torturous death? So fire the former president: he has to make difficult decisions.

John Foley, Prescott Valley, Arizona.

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