The Republican legislators of California remained annoying after a handful of them were abruptly initiated fundamental legislative committees by the president of the Democratic Assembly Robert Rivas.
The leader of the assembly minority, James Gallagher (R-Yuba City) suggested that the measure could be “reprisals” against Republicans for opposing the funds for “triumph proof” of the State and for criticizing the handling of problems of the Democrats, including insurance, forest fires, energy and growing cost of living.
“This is the new Doghouse movement where if democratic leadership is upset with you, they make this type of changes,” Gallagher said.
Gallagher said he had a “good conversation” with Rivas after the announcement was made, but received little explanation for reorganization. He said that some of the Republican Jabs legislators distributed on social networks “can rub some people in the wrong way.”
As president, Rivas has the power to appoint and eliminate the members of the committees at any time, and last week more than a dozen changes in the committee affected both Republicans and Democrats. The committee reallocations are common in the legislature, and politics can leakes. Democrats have a legislative supermay, giving Republicans little political power.
“The speaker routinely addresses the needs of the committee throughout the year, and its objective is always to ensure that the members are in optimal roles to collaborate effectively and deliver to the Californians,” said Nick Miller, director of communications at Rivas.
Among those eliminated were the members of the Carl Demaio Assembly (R-San Diego) and Alexandra M. Macedo (R-Tulare), who were expelled from the Assembly Budget Committee, and Joe Patterson (R-Rocklin), who lost his position as vice president of the Health Committee of the Assembly. Three Democrats also lost seats in the committee. Each committee still has a republican vice president.
Demaio, who in recent weeks has been Franco on the Social Network Platform X, where he has substantial monitoring, said Democratic leadership warned that “he would mark again” after a contentious budget audience that he published a lot where he criticized the expenses plan of Governor Gavin Newsom. Demaio has also described the COVID-19 Dissemination Program of the Budget as “SO 2020”.
Other eliminated Republicans included Assemblymembers Bill Ensayli (R-Corona) and David J. Tangipa (R-Fresno). While some Republicans were removed from their positions, new committees were also appointed.
Macedo questioned the reason for the speaker behind eliminating her as a member of the Budget Committee. It was also replaced by another Republican as vice president of the Government Organization Committee. Together with the elimination, Macedo was appointed to replace Essayli as vice president of the Elections Committee.
“I have worked hard to educate myself on the issues. … I don't think the crime coincides with the punishment, ”he said.
Patterson expressed his surprise in the reorganization on Monday, which he learned while he was in the gym. “As an elected official in the minority party, you should expect to talk about what is wrong with the actions of the majority,” he said.