Have you ever felt those earthquakes in Los Angeles? We want to hear from you

Even if you didn’t feel the ground shift beneath your feet during the 4.2 magnitude earthquake in Southern California Friday morning, or the 4.1 tremor that shook your nerves (if not your windows) on New Year’s Day Again, you may have felt those earthquakes, in an emotional sense. Precisely because you completely missed them. And that could mean you’re someone who “never feels.” That’s what we call the residents of the South who don’t notice when the earth moves under their feet.

We know you’re out there, and we’re reminded of your curious existence every time we turn to our social media feeds to see a crazed group after the earthquake and you’re in the corner obediently reporting “#earthquake – right? feel it.” Is it a skill? A learned condition? Sorcery? We want to know more.

To that end, we hope that all of you who are still and those who are not moving will take a few minutes to fill out the form below and tell us how you feel about not feeling the earthquake that everyone else felt, including the person in the next room . How do you react when that happens? What do you do when you realize you didn’t feel an earthquake? Do you consider this a blessing, a curse, or a medical illness?

We may share your experiences in a future story, so be sure to include your name. Now let’s start shaking!

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