GREG GUTFELD: Democrats chose a candidate with a shelf life shorter than fresh deli meat

Fox News host Greg Gutfeld highlighted how President Biden is showing apparent signs of physical and mental aging on “Gutfeld!”


Everyone knows something is wrong with Joe. And now even Democrats find it liberating to admit that Joe is not a sentient being. According to an explosive Wall Street Journal article, Joe Biden is showing, quote, “signs of slipping” behind closed doors. Yes, he's sliding everywhere, on stairs, off stages at the polls.

But the Journal adds that Biden is not doing any better behind the scenes either. To say it shows signs of wear is putting it mildly. That's like saying that the Sphinx seems a little worn out and has trouble in meetings, relies on cards, and speaks so softly that no one can hear him.

Sometimes he even closes his eyes for so long that people wonder if he is sleeping. If her eyelids were still closed, they would put coins in her eyes. And he really slows down the pace of the meeting when they keep holding a mirror under his nose to see if he's breathing. He cannot remember details of his own policies, perhaps because the only policy he cares about is his life insurance.

Smith told podcast host Patrick Bet-David that he is “embarrassed” that Democrats haven't found a better candidate than President Biden to beat Trump. (Biden photo by Celal Gunes/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images and Trump photo Mario Tama/Getty Images)

The Journal spoke to 45 people who were in the room with Joe, all begging for someone to open a window. And that includes both Republicans and Democrats. Yes, the Democrats can't even keep pretending. At best, four more years means 208 weekends at Bernie's. At worst he beats William Henry Harrison. Record for fastest land nap after inauguration.

Now, several Democratic lawmakers have called the Journal again at the White House's urging to say that Biden is actually fine. If he calls to say that Biden is in good health, they better take the call as soon as possible. Many things could change while you are on hold. Now, is it news that Biden is a disaster? No. We hear it every time he opens his mouth and the moths fly out. The White House doctor can fill him with the remains of Hunter's stash, but they can't make him any younger.

25 years ago, he was a plagiarist, now he can't summarize the plot of 'See Spot Run'. But why publish this story now? Well, the piece was scheduled for this moment. He offered a green light to donors, billionaires, bosses and Wall Street Normans who normally wouldn't say they would vote for Trump. But to do it, they now say wink, wink. You could admit that Joe sucks. He tells her that they don't need to vote for Joe or make excuses for him, or get angry when someone notices that there's something seriously wrong with Biden that can't be cured with ice cream. The message is that it's not just your imagination.

President Biden and Donald Trump

President Biden and the mugshot of former President Donald Trump. (Getty/Fox News)

Grandpa is really fading fast. The only people who imagine things are the ones who tell you it's okay. They do not have the elder's best interests at heart. They simply cling to his power the same way he clings to life. So this article is a permission slip you can pull out when someone says, quote, “but Trump is a convicted felon.” You just say, so? Democrats and Republicans agree that Biden is the biggest risk.

He is not competent to be president. He is the reason for the 25th amendment. Didn't you read the newspaper article? Case closed. If Trump is jailed, at least you'll know where he is. Keep Joe in the Oval Office and he'll say, where am I and why does this room have no corners? And again, it's not just Republicans speaking, but Democrats as well. 45 sources. Interestingly, you know, what else does the number 45 have? Donald Trump. What a coincidence. It was also co-written by a Democrat.

That is not a coincidence. The message: Biden is a greater danger than Trump. So they're giving you an exit ramp on the freeway? Sure, it's not in the best part of town, but you won't be driving straight into the burning pile up ahead. Do you remember 2016 and 2020? He made no effort to say he might vote for Trump. Hell, some went out of their way to say they wouldn't do it. There was too much risk, especially with deranged anti-Trumpers everywhere. Well, that obstacle has disappeared.

The person who laughed at you for wearing a red hat while mowing the lawn is now wondering if he could borrow it. It all goes back to that word that is said when someone attacks Trump. Now you have the cliff notes. The Wall Street Journal article sums it up, saying that Trump's election no longer puts his own well-being at risk. But voting for Joe poses a greater risk to everyone's well-being.


Democrats chose a candidate with a shelf life shorter than fresh deli meat. You know, I remember it was Cher who wished she could go back in time. And she's half Jo's age. Then the decision is yours. A guy who can be tried and face a sentence. Or a guy who can't stand up and hasn't completed a sentence in years. But now you can make that decision out loud. And in November.

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