Burglar breaks into California gun store, steals arsenal

You've heard of drilling for oil and gas, but what about weapons?

More than 50 firearms were stolen from a Placer County gun store after a thief cut a hole in an exterior wall while the business was closed, authorities said.

According to the Placer County Sheriff's Office, the robber began cutting a hole in the wall of Foothill Firearms in Newcastle at 1:20 a.m. Monday. By 4 a.m., the robber had managed to gain entry to the store, where he loaded a duffel bag with guns and then drove away in a car, the Sheriff's Office said in a news release.

Police do not have a description of the thief or his vehicle, and the case is under investigation, according to authorities.

Jaimie Kuntz, co-owner of the store, told the Sacramento Bee that the robber tried to cover his tracks by spray painting a security camera inside the store, but the camera was not working. There were other security cameras that caught the robber in action, she said.

Kuntz said her alarm company called her around 4 a.m. to alert her to the robbery and that a neighboring business saw the suspect flee the scene.

“This is really a disaster for a small family business,” Kuntz told the newspaper.

About 50 guns were stolen from the store, Kuntz said, and are estimated to be worth at least $40,000, costing between $900 and $1,800 each.

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