Zwick breaks silence on Tom Cruise 'fabricating' iconic photo

Zwick recalls that Tom Cruise made effective use of technology to secure a good spot alongside three big names

Photo: Zwick breaks silence on Tom Cruise 'fabricating' iconic photo

Tom Cruise apparently doesn't like being left out of photographs.

As fans will know, the A-list actor worked in 2003. The last Samurai with director Zwick.

In recounting that time, Zwick has offered interesting details about the Mission Impossible hitmaker.

Referring to a click on the set of three legendary directors, the filmmaker recalled: “People were going to watch this old Hollywood recreation of the movie. [19th century Tokyo] street.”

He also added: “And at one point, I turn around. And it's almost like a joke: you know, there's Cameron Crowe. There's Steven Spielberg. There's David Fincher.”

“And I am sitting on my [director] chair and they were all behind me. It's like, “Oh, hey.” I didn't want to feel too self-conscious about this. But wow”, the Blood Diamond Helmer continued.

He went on to say, “The best part of the story is that the unit photographer saw us all together and said, 'Hey, can I take your picture?' So there's a picture of all of us, except Tom had been called to do something.”

Zwick even revealed that when Tom Cruise saw the party together, he couldn't help but retouch the photo.

“And then [Cruise] He found out about the photo later, saw it and said, “I want to be in that photo!” she also said in the chat.

“So we photographed Tom and then Photoshopped the image,” Zwick recalled of the 61-year-old acting sensation.

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