Julia Fox comes out as lesbian, as she promised last year

She promised it would happen, and now it seems it has: Julia Fox has just announced that she is a lesbian.

The reality TV panelist and fashionista posted the news on TikTok, alongside a clip from user Em Grace (@emgwaciedawgie), who said: “I love it when I see a lesbian with her boyfriend. It's like, aww, you hate that man.”

“Hey, that was me. I was that lesbian,” Fox said in her response, recording the video while walking down a sunny street. “Sorry, guys, it won’t happen again.”

Representatives for the “Uncut Gems” actress did not immediately respond Tuesday to a request for confirmation. But Fox had hinted at the future of her sexuality in an interview last year.

“I think I’m very afraid of opening that Pandora’s box, because I know that once I do, it’s over,” Fox told The Times in September, of the decision to pursue relationships with women instead of men. “There’s no going back and I know I’m going to be a lesbian. It will happen, sooner or later. The only thing I’m prolonging, personally, is because I’m scared.”

She also wrote in her memoir about her feelings for her best friend, Gianna.

“If I had been open about my sexuality, I would have been with Gianna,” Fox told The Times. “We loved each other discreetly. There were times when we did sexual things and then we never talked about it.”

Apparently, the feelings ran deep, leading her to add: “If I could bring her back to life, I would trade everything except my son. Every dollar in my bank account, every accomplishment, every other person in my life. She died and I was never the same again.”

Of course, beyond her reputation in New York clubs and her careers as an actress and “OMG Fashion,” Fox is well known for her brief and supposedly asexual stint on the arm of rapper Ye, formerly known as Kanye West.

The two hit the scene together for a couple of weeks in early 2021, traveling to Miami, New York, and Los Angeles and leaving heads spinning among those who follow this kind of thing.

Fox has since sworn off men, both in relationships and in general, telling Elle last year that her attitude was: “Don't talk to me, don't look at me, don't bother me.”

She continued: “I feel like by knowingly engaging in a heterosexual relationship, you’re signing yourself up for an unhealthy dynamic.”

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