'Genius: MLK/X' Stars 'Terrified' of Playing Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X

Kelvin Harrison Jr. and Aaron Pierre had the same reaction after learning they had been cast as Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X, respectively, in National Geographic's “Genius: MLK/X.”


Initially both not only felt overwhelmed by the enormous responsibility of portraying the iconic civil rights leaders, but they also felt that their performances would likely be compared to those of others. Denzel Washington played Malcolm “Freedom to Speak” miniseries.

But with the support of friends and producers, Harrison and Pierre eventually overcame their doubts and created distinctive, bold portraits of the two men.

“MLK/X” is the fourth season of “Genius,” a biographical anthology series that focused on Albert Einstein, Pablo Picasso and Aretha Franklin in previous installments. The final two episodes of the eight-part season, which premiered Feb. 1, air Thursday on National Geographic and stream the next day on Hulu and Disney+.

Weruche Opia (“HBO’s “I May Destroy You”) co-stars as King’s wife, Coretta Scott King, and Jayme Lawson (“Till”) plays Betty Shabazz, Malcolm X’s wife. The executive producing team includes to Gina Prince. Bythewood, Reggie Rock Bythewood, Brian Grazer and Ron Howard.

Harrison (“Chevalier”) and Pierre (“Foe”) knew each other; Both are involved in the upcoming “Lion King” prequel, “The Lion King: Mufasa.” Pierre plays the title character, while Harrison plays the villain Scar.

Although they share only a few scenes in “Genius,” they clearly bonded over the project and expressed palpable affection for each other during a recent joint interview at a Pasadena hotel. Pierre occasionally patted Harrison's knee during the argument, calling him “my best friend.” This conversation has been edited for length and clarity.



A profile photo of Kelvin Harrison Jr. with his hand near his chin.

1. Aaron Pierre plays Malcolm X. 2. Kelvin Harrison Jr. plays Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. (Christina House / Los Angeles Times)

It must have been good news to be cast in this series, but I'm sure it was also terrifying.

Harrison: At first I was terrified. I didn't know if it was appropriate for them to choose me. She was 27, 28 years old, she had just started acting and she hadn't lived that much of a life. I feel like I have benefited from Dr. King and Malcolm's work, but what could I do to understand it better? Then I thought, “I have to get over myself.” The producers told me that Dr. King was young when he began his journey. He was entrusted with a lot of responsibility. Furthermore, he had a wife and son. I felt a little naïve, but that also fits the story we're telling. It is about assuming that naivety and not confusing it with ignorance or lack of intelligence. It's also about not losing that sense of hope that we have in our country and our identity in who we are, putting one foot in front of the other and walking in faith. Then I got excited thinking, “I can't believe he can go on this journey.”

Pedro: I share that feeling. I'm the same age as Kelvin. When I got the call, I asked myself if he had the ability, the stamina, the durability, the emotional intelligence, the life experience. I didn't say yes right away because I needed to sit with it and understand what that feeling was and how I was going to channel those feelings into something that would propel me forward rather than prohibit me. Once I thought I could do that, largely thanks to the support network around me personally and creatively, I knew I could begin to embark on the journey. You find joy in it, which is very important because what these men did should be celebrated and defended.


A man in a suit, tie and glasses standing in front of a microphone.


A man in a suite on the pulpit of a church.

1. Aaron Pierre as Malcolm X in “Genius: MLK/X.” (Richard DuCree/National Geographic) 2. Kelvin Harrison Jr. as Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. (Richard DuCree/National Geographic)

What was the research process like?

Pedro: We both saw and absorbed an enormous amount of historical material. I went to “The Autobiography of Malcolm X,” which is something I think I will revisit more than once in my life. Then there is “The Sword and the Shield: The Revolutionary Lives of Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X,” which I implicitly trusted for its historical knowledge and insight. I visited Harlem, which boosted me in a very beautiful way.

Harrison: My initial instinct was to watch all the movies about Dr. King, but my young actor brain and all the actors I respected told me, “Don't do that.” So I rejected that impulse. Then I had to find out what those actors did. What I discovered is that they brought a little bit of themselves to the role. I had to do some research on myself to figure out how to bring my humanity.

A man is sitting on a stool covered with a white cloth and a man is leaning on his shoulder.

To prepare for their roles, Aaron Pierre, left, with Kelvin Harrison Jr., says they “both saw and absorbed an enormous amount of historical material.”

(Christina House / Los Angeles Times)

Aaron, were you intimidated by Denzel Washington's acclaimed performance as Malcolm X in Spike Lee's film?

Pedro: Denzel is a hero to me. I have the greatest respect for him, not only artistically but personally. I had to manage that a hero of mine had played a hero of mine. I dealt with it by accepting that truth and then releasing it. Once I did that, I was able to allow myself to feel liberated and safe enough to explore my own interpretation and bring my own life experience to Malcolm.

Kelvin, you had a similar situation. Actors who have played King include Jeffrey Wright and James Earl Jones.

Harrison: At some point it's none of my business. They called on Dr. King to do something. If the people behind this project call me to do this, they see something in me that I can't see. And it's arrogant of me to sit there and debate it.

Pedro: At some point, we made peace with that fact and realized that all we can do is do the best we can. We use everything in our power to serve these tremendous men and their stories and legacies. Beyond that point, we have to release it and let it be. It is the only way to protect your well-being.

The stories of King and Malcolm X are told in parallel. They only share a few scenes, but it's clear that they felt connected to each other.

Pedro: Absolutely. Aside from the professional work we share, this is one of my dearest friends. There is a real sense of support and seeing each other through each other's experience. We have so many parallels and similarities in our respective lives. We didn't see each other much on set, but when we did, we communicated. We understood that what we were embarking on was not easy. It required vulnerability.

Harrison: One of the times we connected was when he came to my little apartment in Los Angeles. He brought donuts and I cooked. We talked about everything: how our trips were going so far. Then we saw “The Devil in a Blue Dress” with Denzel and Don Cheadle. We fill our cups with these beautiful representations. It was inspiration. It's very easy to want to quit when you're on a journey like this. You feel overwhelmed. You want to say, “This is too hard, I'm going to back out.” That's why it's important to have those moments to reconnect and say, “We're in this together.”

Two men sit next to each other.

The actors say they tried to support each other in their roles. “We talked about everything: how our trips were going so far,” Kelvin Harrison Jr. says.

(Christina House / Los Angeles Times)

What was the most challenging day for both of you?

Pedro: If we're honest, every day was a challenge. This is not an engagement that ended with the final scene of the day. This required us to be committed every day for the five or six months we did it. Every day we felt the weight of wearing those jackets.

Were you ever able to relax? What did you do to relieve stress?

Pedro: I am really very grateful to Kelvin and Weruche. I have a tendency, no matter what the project, but particularly in a project of this magnitude, to fully immerse myself for the duration. But they really took care of me. I would just be sitting in my trailer, with the suit and glasses on, waiting for the next scene. Then one or both of them would walk by and say, “I brought you some shrimp.” They would bring joy. They contributed to the health of my personal well-being.

Harrison: I read somewhere that Martin's favorite show was “Star Trek” and that he watched it to relax. Then I thought, “I have to find my own program.” Then I became addicted to “Big Brother.” That was my “Star Trek.” I know that show is ridiculous, but I refuse to put that label on it because it's so good. It was like, “They're trapped in this house. On set, I'm trapped in this universe.” He identified me with them and made me laugh and have fun.

What do you think Will the public learn from “Genius”?

Pedro: I hope it dispels the myths and reveals the truth about these men's experiences. There is a considerable amount of misinformation about Malcolm X. You need to understand that he acted from a place of love and light. Some might say he was advocating physical commitment. I disagree. I believe he was advocating for safeguarding and preserving the safety and livelihoods of his loved ones, his community, and those who look like you.

Harrison: Our job as storytellers is to inspire. With this story, I see it as a mirror of our country and its cyclical nature.

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