Adele decides to relax her self-imposed 'no karaoke' rule

Adele decides to relax her self-imposed 'no karaoke' rule

Adele may not be taking a break from music after all!

According to Mirror, Adele's karaoke bar in Munich will welcome a very special guest on the last night of her residency, the rolling in The Deep The singer herself!

The 36-year-old English songwriter has been under a self-imposed karaoke ban for two years since embarking on her Las Vegas tour, to keep her voice safe.

However, she will celebrate the end of her run of dates in Munich by dressing up as another star and performing at an after-party in the German city.

Adele, who reportedly claimed she “thinks she's Celine Dion” when she goes on stage, added that she “loves” karaoke but hasn't been able to participate in it for so long to save her vocal cords from unexpected strain or damage.

“Karaoke is one of my favorite things to do, but I’ve been doing shows in Vegas for two years, so I haven’t been able to do it because I never relax,” she said. “I think I’m Celine Dion. I can’t take any chances, because I have to have a voice.”

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