We need to talk about Zionism | Israel-Palestine conflict

The Listening Post clears up confusion about Zionism and anti-Zionism in Western media and politics.

In Western media coverage of Israel-Palestine, an ideology that is central to the story – Zionism – is rarely discussed. Instead, we hear a debate about whether the opposition to him – anti-Zionism – is anti-Semitic.

The listening post Daniel Turi reports on Zionism, the confusion surrounding it, and what it tells us about the world's oldest occupation.

Bernard Avishai – Professor, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Sherene Seikaly – Associate Professor of History, University of California, Santa Barbara
Avi Shlaim – Emeritus Fellow, University of Oxford

Jewish Anti-Zionism in America: An Interview with Simone Zimmerman

Anti-Zionist Jews have formed a key part of protests across the United States against Israel's war in Gaza. Given the importance of US support for Israel, it is a move that could prove pivotal.

We hear from one of its leaders, Simone Zimmerman, whose own transition away from Zionism forms the core of the recent award-winning documentary, Israelism.

Simone Zimmerman – Co-Founder of IfNotNow

Archive material from the YIVO Institute for Jewish Research

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