President or CIA: who governs the United States?

For all the drawbacks of Questioning, Tucker Carlson is to be thanked for presenting another side of the opinion.

Russian President Vladimir Putin speaks during an interview with U.S. television host Tucker Carlson in Moscow, Russia, February 6, 2024. – Reuters

Russian President Vladimir Putin has opened a Pandora's box against the presidents of the United States of America. In an interview with renowned American host Tucker Carlson, the President of the Russian Federation expressed his frustration against successive American administrations.

Later it will be analyzed on what basis the Russian leader called the American presidents puppets of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). First, let's look at some of the dumb questions posed by the famous American talk show host.

Without a doubt, Tucker Carlson could have come much more prepared, as he had been planning this interview for a long time. Furthermore, since the Ukrainian war began, he has been the only journalist given the opportunity to interview the Russian president. And that too for more than two hours.

Beginning the interview, President Putin said to Carlson, “Were you initially trained in history?” Carlson responded “Yes.” However, when the Russian leader began narrating the events of 862 to explain where Ukraine came from and how the Russian relationship with Ukraine began, Carlson found himself struggling to keep up.

The host apologized and asked, 'Can you tell us what period… am I losing track of where we are in history?'

From then on, the Russian leader exercised full control over the interviewer. Putin, at no time, allowed Carlson to lead him away to another topic before explaining well what he had in mind.

However, the dumbest first question the interviewer asked was: “Why didn't you (Ukraine) accept it when you became president 24 years ago?”

And then he went on to ask one of those questions after another. For example: “What is denazification? Who blew up Nord Stream? Why wouldn't the Germans say anything about it?”

Surprisingly, he even asked: “Why hasn't there been any talk about the solution to the conflict in Ukraine? Do you think Zelensky (President of Ukraine) has the freedom to negotiate the solution to this conflict? Do you think the CIA is trying to Overthrow your government?'

And what an innocent question: “We have a strong China that the West doesn't seem to be very afraid of.”

The Russian president's patience is to be praised, as anyone following developments in Ukraine knows all the answers to those questions.

Even if these questions had been asked to inform the American public about the events, the former Fox News primetime host could have rephrased them better.

To my surprise, no questions were asked about the ongoing NATO exercises, the first of their kind in decades. These are considered complete preparations to go all out against Russia.

Let's go ahead now and see how the Russian leader labeled American presidents as pawns of the intelligence agencies. Unsurprisingly, Putin said it was the United States that let the genie out of the bottle.

Putin, introducing himself as Mr. Peace, told the interviewer that since becoming president in 2000, he had done everything he could to restore relations with Washington.

Recalling Bill Clinton's visit to the Kremlin on June 3, Putin told Carlson that he had asked the outgoing president what would happen if Russia intended to join NATO.

According to him, the president of the United States responded: “You know, it's interesting, I think so.” However, before long, Clinton changed her mind and said, “You know, I've talked to my team, no, no, it's not possible now.”

The Russian leader went on to give another example of how he continued to extend an olive branch to the White House, especially regarding developments in the Middle East.

The president regretted that, despite such gestures, the United States continued to “support separatism or terrorism in the North Caucasus.”

When the question was put to the President of the US, he called it “impossible!” and then asked for proof. When the evidence was presented, the president 'apologised' and said: “Well, I'm going to kick their asses.”

Putin claimed there was no change in policy. He then asked the director of the FSB (Russian intelligence) to repeatedly write to the CIA.

Citing archival documents, Putin explained that the CIA responded: “We have been working with the opposition in Russia. We believe this is the right thing to do and we will continue to do so.”

President Putin cited another incident when he found his American counterpart defenseless before the CIA.

It was when the United States' anti-missile defense system (ABM) was created in the name of countering Iran. Putin said that he proposed to then-President Bush that “the United States, Russia and Europe jointly create an anti-missile defense system.”

Putin said American leaders told him it was very interesting. “We need to think about it.”

“Later, Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, former director of the CIA, and Secretary of State C. Rice came here (Moscow).” At the meeting they told me: “Yes, we have thought about it, we agree… But with some exceptions.” Finally, “they told us to get lost,” Putin told the interviewer.

“As a result, Russia first warned and then created hypersonic systems, with international reach and we will continue to develop them. We are now ahead of everyone.”

On top of that, President Putin said that he had been promised that there would be no NATO expansion in the East.

“Later they said that this is not written on paper. This was followed by “five waves of expansion, the Baltic countries, all of Eastern Europe, etc.” In 2008, NATO opened its doors to Ukraine and Georgia.

He called the 2014 regime change in Ukraine a “coup d'état.”

President Putin said that he had even previously invited pro-Western politician Viktor Yushchenko to Moscow. When President Yanukovych took power and violence spread across Ukraine, the United States asked him: “Calm down Yanukovych and we will calm down the opposition.” He agreed and refrained from using force against the saboteurs, Putin said.

“However, the armed opposition staged a coup in kyiv.” He continued to “persecute those who did not support the coup.”

Putin told Carson that, of course, it was done with the backing of the CIA. “The organization you wanted to join in the past, as I understand it. Maybe we should thank God, they didn't let you in” (Carlson had tried his luck but failed to be recruited).

With this background, Putin justified the retaking of Crimea.

President Putin said: “They launched a war in Donbass in 2014 with the use of planes and artillery against civilians. It's just that the American political leadership pushed us to the line that we could not cross because doing so could have ruined Russia itself. Furthermore, “We could not abandon our brothers in faith and, in fact, a part of the Russian people, in the face of this war machine.”

Putin claimed he was still trying to avoid attacking Ukraine. “But the current president (Zelenskyy) 'declared that he would not implement the Minsk Agreement…signed after the events of 2014.” Putin said: “Our goal is to stop this war. And we did not start this war in 2022. This is an attempt to stop it.”

Regarding peace talks, the Russian president said European negotiators asked him for Russia to withdraw its troops from kyiv. “They said: How can you imagine them signing a treaty with a gun to their head?”

“When Russian forces withdrew, Ukraine threw away all the agreements reached in Istanbul and… obeyed the instructions of Western countries, European countries and the United States to fight Russia to the end.”

At that time Putin also spoke about his interaction with President Zelenskyy. Putin said he asked Zelenskyy: “Volodya, what are you doing? Why do you support neo-Nazis in Ukraine today, while your father was fighting against fascism?” Putin avoided revealing how Zelenskyy responded.

However, he quoted the chief Ukrainian negotiator, Davyd Arakhamia, as saying: “We were ready to sign this document (peace agreement with Russia), but Mr. Johnson, the then Prime Minister of Great Britain, came and dissuaded us from doing so by saying It was better to fight against Russia.”

Subsequently, the president of Ukraine legislated a ban on dialogue with Moscow.

When asked that, was there a way to negotiate peace? Putin said: “If you (US) really want to stop fighting, you must stop supplying weapons. This will end in a few weeks.”

Throughout the interview, no questions were asked about whether the United States intended to wage war against China.

However, citing previous efforts, Putin said: “For them it was necessary to continue chiseling Russia, try to divide it, create on this territory several quasi-state entities and subjugate them in a divided manner, use their combined forces potential for the future struggle with China.”

Once again, Putin pointed the finger at the CIA as he did with the blowing up of Nord Stream.

Simply put, Putin believes that whether it is Biden (Democrat) or Trump (Republican), the White House follows the policies presented by the Pentagon and so would American allies in Europe and beyond.

For all the drawbacks of Questioning, Tucker Carlson is to be thanked for presenting another side of the opinion. This is true journalism, rarely seen in the United States when it comes to domestic issues.

And that is why Putin's extensive interview has gone viral with almost 1.5 million views in a short time.

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