French military trainers would be a “legitimate target” in Ukraine: Lavrov | Russia-Ukraine War News

Ukraine has said documents have been signed that would allow French instructors to train kyiv's soldiers.

Any French military instructor sent to Ukraine would be a “legitimate target” for the Russian armed forces, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said, after Ukrainian officials revealed they were seeking help from France for training their troops.

Lavrov made these remarks at a joint press conference on Tuesday with the Foreign Minister of the Republic of Congo, Jean Claude Gakosso.

“As for the French instructors, I think they are already on Ukrainian territory,” Lavrov said. “Regardless of their status, military officers or mercenaries represent a legitimate target for our armed forces.”

Ukraine's top commander said last week that he had signed documents that would soon allow French military instructors access to Ukrainian training centers.

Later, French President Emmanuel Macron said he would not comment on “rumors or decisions that could be made” and would provide more details about France's support during events later this week to mark the 80th anniversary of the D-Day, where leaders will join him. including Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

Macron's office said Tuesday that it would not comment on Lavrov's comments. There is no evidence that there are French instructors in Ukraine.

Lavrov has visited Africa several times in recent years as Russia seeks to bolster its support amid Moscow's large-scale invasion of Ukraine. In recent years, several African countries have expressed growing frustration with their traditional Western partners such as France and the United States and some have turned to Russia for help in combating Islamic insurgencies.

Lavrov also ruled out on Tuesday the Ukrainian peace conference that will take place later this month in Switzerland. Russia, which insists that any discussion must begin with the “realities on the ground,” has not been invited. It currently occupies about 18 percent of Ukrainian territory.

“This conference in Switzerland has no meaning,” Lavrov said. “The only meaning it can have is to try to preserve this anti-Russian bloc that is in the process of falling apart.”

Switzerland has said that more than 80 delegations have confirmed their attendance. China, which has deepened its relationship with Moscow, said last week it would not attend.

The Republic of the Congo was the second stop on Lavrov's tour. He visited Guinea on Monday and met with the country's foreign minister.

Late Tuesday he landed at the airport in Ouagadougou, the capital of Burkina Faso, the country's authorities said in a statement on social media. Lavrov was scheduled to meet on Wednesday with Captain Ibrahim Traore, the country's leader who took power after a 2022 military coup.

It was expected to arrive in Chad on Wednesday afternoon, the country's authorities said in a statement.

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