French far-right leader Le Pen questions Macron's role as army chief | Politics News

Marine Le Pen said it is the prime minister, not the president, who “pulls the strings” when it comes to military decision-making.

With just three days to go before France's historic legislative election, the country's far-right leader has raised the awkward question of who would be in charge of the military if her party takes over government after the two-round vote.

Snap elections are plunging France into uncharted territory, with political scientists scrambling to interpret how exactly President Emmanuel Macron and a prime minister who is hostile to most of his policies would share power if Marine Le Pen's National Rally wins a majority in the National Assembly, the lower house of the French parliament.

Le Pen has repeatedly said that Jordan Bardella, her protégé and star leader of her party, would lead France's next government if her increasingly popular party wins.

In an interview, he suggested that Bardella, only 28 years old and with no government experience, would also make at least some decisions about France's defense and armed forces.

Macron has three years left to serve his final term as president.

Being commander-in-chief of the armed forces “is an honorary title for the president, since it is the prime minister who really pulls the strings,” Le Pen said in an interview with Le Telegramme newspaper published Thursday.

French far-right leader Marine Le Pen arrives at the headquarters of the National Rally party, Monday, June 10, 2024, in Paris. [Thomas Padilla/AP Photo]

Political frictions around foreign policy

The French Constitution states that “the President of the Republic is the head of the armed forces” and also “chairs the councils and higher committees of national defence.”

However, the Constitution also states that “the Prime Minister is responsible for national defence.”

Constitutional experts have said the prime minister's exact role in foreign policy and defense appears to be subject to interpretation.

This is an issue with global implications, as France possesses nuclear weapons and its troops and military personnel have been deployed in numerous conflict zones around the world.

The last time France had a prime minister and president from different parties, they broadly agreed on strategic issues of defense and foreign policy.

But this time, the power-sharing concept known in France as “cohabitation” could be very different, given the animosity between far-right and far-left politicians.

Both blocs appear to harbor deep resentment toward the centrist, pro-business president.

On the question of military command of the country, political historian Jean Garrigues told The Associated Press news agency that “the president is the head of the armed forces, [but] “It is the prime minister who has the armed forces at his disposal.”

In practice, he added, this means that “if the president decided to send troops to Ukraine… the prime minister could block this decision.”

In March, Macron warned Western powers not to show any signs of weakness towards Russia and said Ukraine's allies should not rule out sending Western troops to Ukraine to help the country against Russian aggression.

Le Pen is confident her party, which has a history of racism, xenophobia and links to Russia, can translate its surprise triumph in European Parliament elections earlier this month into a victory in France.

INTERACTIVE Parliamentary elections of the European Union_1-1718195650
[Al Jazeera]

Left-wing groups and feminist and anti-racist activists rallied in Paris on Thursday to urge voters to prevent a nationwide anti-immigration demonstration from being successful.

The first round will take place on Sunday. The decisive second round is scheduled for July 7, a week later. The outcome remains uncertain due to a complex voting system and possible alliances.

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