Expansion of ties between China and Arab countries is “good” for peace and development in the Middle East

President Xi Jinping and Arab leaders at the Arab-Chinese summit in Riyadh on December 9, 2023. – Reuters

Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Deng Li said the growth of relations between China and Arab nations is beneficial in two ways: it promotes peace and development in the Middle East and stabilizes a turbulent world.

The Chinese minister's comment came on Monday during a press conference for the 10th ministerial meeting of the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum. Xinhua reported.

According to the state news agency, Deng said China's ties with many Arab countries have developed from a “partnership” to a “strategic cooperative relationship” and later to a “strategic partnership,” making massive progress.

The minister also noted that the forum has made notable achievements since its inception 20 years ago.

The two sides, during the first China-Arab States Summit in 2022, agreed to build a community of shared future in the new era, and China-Arab relations entered a new era of comprehensive and deep development, the minister said.

“Thanks to the joint efforts of both sides, the strategic mutual trust between China and Arab countries has deepened, practical cooperation has brought tangible benefits to the two peoples, cultural and people-to-people exchanges have been further enriched and made positive progress in building a Chinese-Arab community with a shared future,” Xinhua reported, quoting Minister Deng.

The minister said China and Arab nations are crucial members of the developing world and share the common mission of “realizing national rejuvenation and accelerating national development.” He stressed the importance of promoting ties between China and the Arab world to further foster peace and development in the Middle East.

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