Donald Trump talks about Barron Trump in the middle of his political debut

Barron Trump likes to advise his father on politics. – Reuters

While Donald Trump and Melania Trump kept their son Barron Trump out of the public eye, the former president revealed what his 18-year-old son likes when it comes to politics.

Barron Trump was chosen Wednesday by the Florida Republican Party as one of the state's delegates to the Republican National Convention, according to NBC Newsmarking his entry into politics.

The younger Trump, who will graduate high school next week, loves advising his father, shaken by the allegations.

Barron Trump has been out of the public eye under Melania Trump. — AFP

“It's a bit tall. I'll tell you, he's tall, but he's a good-looking guy. And he really has been a great student. And he likes politics. It's kind of funny,” Donald Trump told a local station in Philadelphia. Talk Radio 1210 WPHT.

“Sometimes he tells me, 'Dad, this is what you have to do,'” the presumptive GOP nominee said.

The business magnate said: “Anyway, he's a good guy. He's a senior in high school now and he's going to college. And you know, many, many of these college options are changing because seeing how What's happening in the last month.”

Barron has been out of the public eye and was nowhere to be seen during Trump's political campaigns as he was under the strong care of Melania Trump, another discreet family member.

He will be joined at the Milwaukee convention by Donald Trump Jr, Eric Trump and Tiffany Trump.

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