Death Valley's temporary lake, fed by a powerful summer storm, has shrunk by inches as it subsides in the park's Badwater basin. But as it evaporates, other parts of the national park are reopening.
After an August 20 storm that caused widespread flooding and forced the park to close, the shallow lake extended up to four miles. When Death Valley National Park reopened in mid-October, water emerged as a main attraction in an area where many roads and trails were still closed for repairs.
Even at its deepest point, rangers estimated the lake's depth to be only 2 to 3 feet. But for visitors in Badwater Basin, or 5,500 feet higher atop Dante's View Mountain, the reflective qualities of the lake led to striking views with eerie reflections of the mountains, especially at sunrise and sunset.
Although the views remain extraordinary, park spokeswoman Abby Wines said Friday, the lake is “probably only a few inches” even at its deepest point.
It's unknown how quickly it will evaporate, Wines said.
Badwater Basin, Death Valley National Park, in October.
(Christopher Reynolds/Los Angeles Times)
Meanwhile, rangers and repair crews have reopened several roads and parts of the park.
On November 1, the park reopened Mud Canyon Road and Daylight Pass, which connects the park to Nevada Highway 374 and Beatty, Nevada.
On November 20, the park announced the reopening of its southeast entrance, with Badwater Road providing direct access from Shoshone to Badwater Basin.
Then on Thursday, the park reopened access to two remote northern areas. One is Eureka Valley, which includes Eureka Dunes, the tallest sand dunes in California, rising about 680 feet above the neighboring lake bed. Starting from the town of Big Pine, the route to Eureka Dunes covers 28 miles of paved road and 21 miles of graded dirt.
The other is Saline Valley, which includes a primitive campground and hot tubs at Saline Valley Warm Springs. The campground and springs are about 35 miles from the nearest paved road and may be inaccessible in winter conditions.
Eureka Valley and Saline Valley can only be reached via Big Pine, south of Bishop along U.S. Route 395. From Big Pine, the Big Pine-Death Valley Highway is open to Eureka Valley, but not beyond. To reach Saline Valley, the only route is from Big Pine over the north pass of Saline Valley Road.
California Highway 190, the park's main east-west artery, is open throughout the park, with delays possible at multiple locations where road work is underway. Badwater Road is now open for its entire length, as is Dante's View Road.
Father Crowley/Rainbow Canyon Vista Point remains closed, as does Beatty Cutoff Road, North Highway and many other paved and unpaved park roads.
The park's website also notes that, although there are some wildflowers, “the park is not experiencing a significant bloom.”
Park campgrounds are open except for Emigrant, Wildrose, Mesquite Springs, Thorndike Primitive, Mahogany Flat Primitive and Homestake Primitive.
Travelers should check the park's website for weather conditions and road closure updates before visiting.