Chris Appleton: How to have the best Sunday in Los Angeles

In Sunday Funday, The people of Los Angeles tell us play by play of their ideal Sunday in the city. Find ideas and inspiration on where to go, what to eat and how to enjoy life on the weekends.

Even if you've never heard of Chris Appletonyou've definitely seen his work.

As a celebrity hairstylist, he has styled the locks of stars like JLo, Katy Perry, and Ariana Grande, and is known for creating iconic looks and preparing celebrities for high-profile events like the Met Gala and the Super Bowl. He is also Kim Kardashian's stylist and confidant and a lifestyle contributor on “The Drew Barrymore Show.”

“I'm lucky to work in really fun experiences and circumstances where you get to see a slightly different side of life,” Appleton said when we spoke, just hours after returning to Los Angeles from her 40th birthday trip to the Islands. Turks and Nevis. Caicos.

Although Appleton is from Leicester, England, she lives in the Hollywood Hills, where she spends time with her daughter. kitty-blu; his son, Club; his puppy, Dash; and her new husband, the actor Luke Gage. (Kardashian officiated Gage and Appleton's wedding, where Shania Twain performed “You're Still the One” live.)

“I know for many, Sunday is the day of rest,” Appleton said. “But usually, for me, it's catch-up day. “I like to catch up and feel my feet like they are on the ground.”

8am Have coffee with Dash

The first thing I'll do is take out Dash, my 6 month old husky. I'll put on sloppy clothes (a tracksuit and some Birkenstocks) and go to work. blue bottle and have a coffee. I like to get up early when everything is quiet. Dash and I sat outside the cafeteria. I grab some coffee and avocado toast and give it some treats. And I usually train with him a little, because he's a puppy.

8:30 am Meditate at the dog park.

From there I'll go straight to the dog park. It's a great dog park where I love just people watching. He will run around, carry out some small orders and make friends. I love watching the world go by in a very organic and simple way. I'm usually there for about 45 minutes to get all their energy out. And while he runs and I people watch, I usually do a meditation. I like to listen to aditi, in particular, from the Peloton meditation app. So I usually put on my headphones and let the world go by. I feel like I'm watching a movie.

9:15 am Have a quick breakfast

After that, I usually stop by. [upscale L.A.-based supermarket chain] Erewhon for breakfast. I like going to the hot bar because it's easy and convenient. And I'll get some food, usually just a healthy breakfast. [though I’m] I was always tempted to go in and order the French toast. But usually I try to repent of my sins of having a busy week and keep it healthy by eating healthy.

10am Head to the gym.

Sundays are usually the best day to exercise for me, because it's the day I'm not glued to my phone. During the week, I always take a call and respond to a text. There's a deadline, or a post that needs to be made, or someone you need to respond to; It's a little difficult to disconnect. I usually take Dash with me to adjust. He has all the energy about him, so he's a good kid.

12:30 pm Malibu Walk

I love going to Malibu. There is a beautiful hike that I discovered during [the pandemic]. Sometimes when you look outside [from the hills] You could almost think you're in the background set of “Jurassic Park” or Hawaii. There are some really beautiful places. I love feeling the air on my face and catching up with myself.

14:15 Lunch with a friend

[Farm-to-table restaurant] Malibu Farm It's this beautiful, cute place where you can sit by the sea. One of my favorite sounds to listen to, whether I'm falling asleep or just relaxing, is the sound of water. That's why I love listening to the waves. And I usually have lunch with a friend, family member or partner to catch up on the week. I try not [to] talk too much about the office. I try to focus more on how everyone is, how everyone feels. You know, the real stuff where they communicate with each other and have those moments of laughter that are good for the soul.

4:30 pm Stop at home to relax.

I usually come home and it will be nice to rest on the couch for a while. I wish I could say I'm the type that likes Netflix and chilling, but I really have to push myself to do things like that. I start out with the best of intentions and will put on a show, but honestly, I usually end up picking up the phone and catching up on everything I've been missing, because even on a Sunday there are things to catch up on. Maybe take a quick look at social media or whatever.

6 pm Watch an outdoor movie

I like to try to watch a movie on Hollywood Cemetery forever and have a movie picnic. I really like spending a good afternoon at the movies, sitting on a bean bag and being outdoors. I'm a real fan of romantic comedies, like something old school. “Notting Hill” is one of my favorites. Everyone deserves love and I love something like that. Or, on the contrary, I like a horror movie, but I'm very bad and I just scream. Everyone loves watching them with me, because I'm a great jumper.

8 pm Outdoor dinner with the children.

I like to eat outdoors, whether having a barbecue or bringing food and having a picnic. If I cook it myself, it will usually be fish. I know it sounds generic, but I always prefer salmon, rice, vegetables, corn and a good salad.

My son is going to college, so I'll catch up with him, or Kitty, my daughter, I'll catch up on her work week. Dash will be running around, so we usually just make sure he doesn't pee all over the house. And we'll just sit around the table and catch up. I do something where we go around the table and ask each other a question. We'll say what we're grateful for about ourselves that day, like something we're grateful for doing, which is sometimes the hardest thing to do, and then we'll also go around the table and say what we're grateful for about ourselves. themselves that day. the other person. It's a really good exercise to make everyone feel grounded and appreciated.

9:30 pm Take care of yourself (and order froyo)

I like to do little spa nights. Then maybe around 9, I'll get a massage or do a massage at home. Maybe do another meditation or a mask, something good for the body. Something relaxing to fit into a nighttime routine so I can go to bed feeling relaxed and calm. Honestly, I'll probably order some frozen yogurt or the healthiest kind of ice cream I can get. I want to treat myself in the least pitiful way.

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