How your gaming PC will unleash a new wave of AI innovation

As data is becoming the foundation of our economy, we must find ways to diversify the use of computing resources that harness its potential and reduce our dependence on just a handful of models and manufacturers. This will be one of the best ways to support the AI ​​revolution as competition for GPUs increases and will ensure that we maintain innovation rather than relying on a few players controlling the market. We're already seeing novel approaches that will allow your gaming PC to power new AI models.

Market concentration in the chip industry has led to a shortage of most GPUs that train these models, raising concerns among both CTOs and government policy makers. And while Big Tech has the resources and influence to secure what's available, smaller companies often delay projects as they struggle to push their models forward. That's because GPUs are difficult to source if companies don't buy large quantities, and they're expensive: It costs upwards of $600,000 to $1 million to train even the most basic large language models (LLMs), an insurmountable price tag for many. . Moving towards a more diversified landscape of chip usage is not simply a pragmatic response to current challenges; It is a proactive stance to future-proof our technological evolution and ensure the lasting vitality of the AI ​​ecosystem.

Greg Osuri

Founder of Akash Network and CEO of Overclock Labs.

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