Valencia to drop Rafa Mir over sexual assault allegations

Valencia have opened disciplinary proceedings against their striker Rafa Mir after the 27-year-old was arrested last week by the Civil Guard for alleged sexual assault, the club announced on Monday.

Although details of the disciplinary measures have not been officially revealed, club sources told Reuters the striker will be fined and suspended from the rest of the squad for an indeterminate period of time.

“Valencia wishes to reiterate the club's strongest condemnation of any type of violence, in any of its forms, respecting the presumption of innocence established by our legal system,” the club said in a statement.

“Justice must decide what course to take on the accusations against Rafa Mir.

“However, the club has analysed the situation within its powers and has decided to take disciplinary measures.

“Specifically, the club will proceed to open proceedings against Rafa Mir, considering that his behaviour during his time out of action unquestionably affects the professional performance expected of him as a player of this club, also damaging the confidence that our fans have in all players.

“The club will continue to cooperate with the police in whatever way is necessary.”

Earlier on Monday, Mir denied having committed sexual assault and apologized for “not complying, even on a day of rest, with the rigorous schedule expected of a professional and more so after a start to the season that lived up to our expectations.”

Mir, who has also played for Wolverhampton and Sevilla, was arrested last week after a woman filed a complaint against him, and testified before a judge on Wednesday.

The judge who ordered his bail will now conduct an investigation to determine whether there is sufficient evidence for Mir to stand trial or whether the case should be dropped.

Mir will have to appear in court periodically and is not allowed to leave the country.

ESPN's Sam Marsden contributed to this report.

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