Was Byron Donalds really “praising Jim Crow”?

To the editor: Columnist LZ Granderson joins the Democrats' buildup against Rep. Byron Donalds (R-Fla.) for daring to be a black Republican. (“A Trump running mate praising Jim Crow? That’s a red flag,” Opinion, June 11)

Granderson uses a familiar formula: Take a statement from a conservative, ignore its plain meaning (in this case, that before President Lyndon B. Johnson's “War on Poverty” welfare programs, black family units were stronger, despite the oppression they endured). and replace it with a completely false idea that Donalds praised the Jim Crow era.

And then, after exposing the indisputable evils of those Jim Crow laws, he ends by misleadingly saying that Donalds claimed that “blacks had it better during the days of Jim Crow.”

Granderson should know that everyone has the right to their own opinions but not their own facts.

Bruce Thompson, Huntington Beach


To the editor: Thanks to Granderson for his excellent columns, especially the one on Jim Crow. As a black man, he wishes all black men and women could read it; It's that important.

Lionel Bain, Los Angeles

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