Trump complained a lot last week. Stop acting like that's news.

To the editor: This week’s irony award goes to Doyle McManus for his August 24 column, “Donald Trump’s Terrible, Horrible, Terrible, Very Bad Convention Week.”

McManus claims in his introduction that Trump’s “political superpower has been his untamed talent for capturing media attention.” He then writes an entire column with a daily account of Trump’s terrible week, complete in the print edition with a large photo of the former president.

Please, Mr. McManus, fight this political superpower with your own green kryptonite superpower: the very column you've been given. Report on the countless terrible, horrible, bad, very bad, overwhelming challenges facing our citizens, our country, and our planet every week, instead of this man's complaints.

Babette Wilk, Valley People


To the editor: While Trump was having his terrible, horrible, lousy, very bad week, we Democrats were enjoying an incredible, inspiring, very productive, very good week.

By the way, most Californians I know live their lives without having been murdered, attacked or harassed by human or drug dealers who want to hook them on fentanyl. It is tiring and annoying to hear the constant vilification of the Golden State.

But on the other hand, if Trump hates us, we must be doing something right.

Ramona Saenz, Alhambra

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