To the Hollywood elite funding Biden's campaign: thank you

To the editor: “Nonsense” is the best way to describe his article, “'It Wasn't a Happy Election': Why This Star-Studded Hollywood Fundraiser Is So Crucial for Biden.”

What sense does it make to quote election law professor Jessica Levinson as saying that President Biden “seems out of touch” with Americans, comparing the high cost of attending his fundraising event to what most could afford?

This is a high-stakes election, requiring a lot of money not to enrich Biden, but to hire a lot of staff and buy expensive ads to drive home the stakes of this election. The money will go toward reminding voters of Biden's accomplishments, despite his age, which his political opponents and some media outlets have harped on ad nauseum.

If wealthy people help provide Biden with that support, it will be appreciated by average Americans whose lives his policies are benefiting.

Michael Russnow, West Hollywood


To the editor: Yes, Biden recently held his biggest fundraiser in Los Angeles. The main ticket cost $500,000, and Levinson said the event created a double-edged sword by making the president appear out of touch.

It's a “damned if he does, damned if he doesn't” situation for Biden.

Where was I supposed to have the fundraiser? At Denny's? That would really make news.

Shelley Keith, Sherman Oaks

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