The California Republican Party put on a terrifying display of undemocratic Trumpism

To the editor: His article on the California Republican Party convention in Burlingame clearly demonstrates the threat to democracy itself that today's Republican Party represents.

The Republican Party, formerly known as the states' rights party, now advocates against states' rights and has rejected the results of the election it lost. He boasts of rolling back women's reproductive rights, voting rights, Social Security, Medicare, and the Affordable Care Act.

Earlier this year, elected Republicans negotiated a border deal with President Biden and then abandoned it when former President Trump demanded they do so.

The Republican Party shows no respect for the truth or the will of the voters. The only solution is to vote Democrat up and down the ticket this November.

Jean Dittmyer, The Table


To the editor: As I read the article about the California Republican Party working for Trump's comeback, my main response was, “How unconscionable!” The very idea that a person without a conscience has any serious supporters is appalling.

Let us not forget the saying that those who do not remember history are condemned to repeat it. Remember how Trump initially did not provide unconditional support to Dr. Anthony Fauci and other government scientists, and as a result, COVID-19 spread and many Americans died unnecessarily?

Some consider politics a game, but it is not. The needs of real people are at stake. We need to elect those who respect the ideals of this great country.

Mary Leah Plante, Los Angeles

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