Pet-friendly rent bill is a nightmare for landlords and tenants

To the editor: I own pet-free rental apartments and many of my tenants live there because they are afraid of dogs and their bites. (“Bill to make more rentals pet-friendly would end dog ban,” lawmaker says,” Feb. 22)

Many dogs bark constantly and disturb other tenants. There is also the problem of excrement, apparently both inside and outside the buildings.

Additionally, most homeowners insurance policies exclude dog bites, especially certain breeds. So how could landlords defend themselves in lawsuits if this pet-friendly rental legislation is enacted?

This bill is a nightmare for existing landlords and tenants and should be rejected.

Richard Klug, Los Angeles


To the editor: There is no legal right to have a pet. It is a privilege, an advantage of living in a society where we can afford to have our wonderful friends.

Therefore, preventing landlords and other tenants from choosing whether to have pets in their buildings would be based on some invented right.

It's this kind of proposal that makes some people consider voting for a twice impeached and criminally indicted former president.

Joseph Taylor, Los Angeles

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