No, Trump did not “answer” questions at his confusing press conference

To the editor: In your article about former President Trump’s press conference on Thursday, you wrote that he “answered questions from reporters.”

I'd have to check the transcript to see if I missed anything, but I don't recall any questions actually being answered. He paced back and forth, spouted long, disjointed, unintelligible sentences, never pronounced Vice President Kamala Harris's first name correctly, and made indefensible accusations against his opponents.

It was a farce, and even calling it a press conference is being very generous.

Richard Shafarman, Santa Clarita


To the editor: Trump's running mate JD Vance is disparaging Democratic vice presidential nominee Tim Walz because after serving honorably in the Army National Guard for 24 years, he resigned to run for Congress in 2005 in his home state of Minnesota and was elected to the House of Representatives in 2006.

Vance accused Walz of abandoning his unit before it was deployed to Iraq in 2006.

I would like to remind Vance that his running mate reportedly said that people who served and died in defense of our country were fools. Trump also reportedly said he didn’t want disabled veterans in one of his photo ops. He also conveniently avoided being drafted during the Vietnam War, claiming he had bone spurs on his heels.

People who associate with individuals who live in glass houses should not throw stones.

Jose Lopez, Chino Hills

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