Newsom ignores voters on death penalty. that's anti-democracy

To the editor: Governor Gavin Newsom's suspension of the death penalty is not only an abuse of power and harmful to the families of murder victims; It is also deeply hypocritical. (“Newsom leaves Vatican with Pope's praise for refusing to impose death penalty,” May 19)

Although cumbersome, California's proposition system is democracy in its purest form: citizens vote directly on legislation. In 2016, Californians clearly expressed their views on capital punishment through Propositions 62 and 66, the former defending the practice and the latter expediting the process for carrying out death sentences.

Newsom, by stopping the executions, ignored and disregarded the will of the voters.

This is a politician who routinely preaches democracy and is quick to demonize conservatives for endangering it. And that is why I shudder when he positions himself as a defender and protector of democracy.

Can you imagine the outcry if California voters approved a proposal that increased gun control or protected the rights of a marginalized group and a Republican governor ousted Newsom?

Glenn Toth, Playa del Rey

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