Liberals don't need to get a gun because everyone else has one.

To the editor: The Times just stated that there is no space without a firearm.

Front-page coverage of the left-leaning gun instructor providing his services to otherwise liberal people – because “I don't want to be the only one who doesn't have one” – is a miserable excuse to increase the number of deaths from violence navy. due to unsafe weapons storage.

The prevalence of firearms contributes to accidental firearm deaths, suicides and homicides due to internal conflicts. Those of us who work to stop the onslaught of such needless deaths know that suicide rates decrease when lethal means are not at hand when a person is having a difficult day.

Thanks to your coverage, we can expect an increase in gun violence in all areas of our community.

Amy Luster Mueller, Santa Monica


To the editor: After reading about the gun class for people who hate guns, I couldn't help but think that what is needed even more is a gun control class for those who love guns.

Jerry Rubin, Santa Monica


To the editor: The United States leads the world in civilian firearm ownership per capita, with more guns than people in this country. Our gun-related death rate is higher than all other peer nations.

Your article feeds into the gun lobby's circular and paranoid narrative that you need a gun to stay safe from… people with guns.

Provide facts instead of emotions. More than 300 people are shot every day in the United States, and about a third of them die. Firearms are the leading cause of death for children and adolescents in the US.

A firearm in the home increases the likelihood of homicide, suicide, or unintentional shooting. A woman is five times more likely to be murdered if her abusive partner has a gun. Disagreements escalate more quickly and lead to injury and death when a firearm is present.

The list goes on. More guns equal more gun deaths.

Loren Lieb, Northridge

The writer is president of the board of directors of Women Against Armed Violence.

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