Letters to the editor: No, Democrats who support Biden are not as bad as MAGA loyalists

To the editor: Jonah Goldberg completely missed the point in his column. Nothing he says is a lie. But with or without whataboutism, the only sensible option is Biden. I prefer a functioning democracy from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. to a 24-hour subversive stampede against all our democratic principles, ending in a king. That king could stay in power as long as he wants, just like Vladimir Putin.

Marie-Louise Mulligan, Manhattan Beach


To the editor: In his column, Goldberg describes Democrats having a lot of regrets about what to do with Biden after his disastrous debate performance. Should he stay or should he go?

There is actually a solution that allows both to happen. Biden should release all of his delegates and face a “truly open convention.” I suggest that Biden could decide to stay in the race (and not be a “dropout”), but allow himself and other potential candidates to make their case before and during the convention; let the unpledged delegate body choose who they think is the best candidate and who has the best chance of beating Trump in November.

James Stevens, Cardiff


To the editor: Here’s an idea: President Biden and Vice President Harris should swap jobs to run for reelection. She has the energy, intelligence, charisma and eloquence; he has the wisdom and experience to be a valuable advisor. The GOP might question this move, questioning whether Biden is term-limited as vice president, but this role change is worth considering.

Janice Nelson, Sierra Madre


To the editor: Goldberg wrote that President Biden was “utterly incapable of refuting” Trump’s lies. It is humanly impossible to refute lies when they come at a rapid rate. In Trump’s last presidency, he was recorded to have lied 30,000 times.

Through constant repetition, his lies have become normalized and his MAGA followers have believed them. Our democracy cannot be built on liars, kings, dictators, authoritarians, tyrants, and anarchy from day one.

Anastacio Vigil, Santa Monica

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