Letters to the editor: After hearing his convention speech, is there a “new” Trump?

To the editor: Trump declared In his nomination speech last night that he felt safe because “I had God on my side” when an assassin's bullet nearly killed him at his rally in Pennsylvania.

He and all decent human beings are relieved that death was avoided and that the political process can continue democratically.

And it appears that Trump's vigorous response to the assassination attempt and the unsurprising sympathy that emerged from the event have boosted him in the polls.

But was this really a gift from God?

Don't Trump and his supporters see that the shift in the polls only increased calls for Biden to step aside? Don't they see that if Biden steps down, Democrats can nominate a more competitive candidate to win the presidency? Don't they see that in that case Trump's trials will continue and he could end up in prison for years?

MAGA Republicans bask in the glow of “divine providence.” Things may not turn out the way they expect.

And if Trump loses, Democrats could say that this is what God intended all along.

Daniel Shafer, Los Angeles


To the editor: Perhaps the biggest lie 45 told in his acceptance speech for the nomination last night was “I extend to you a hand of loyalty and friendship.” The unspoken subtext was “unless you are a person of color, a member of the LGBTQ community, or an immigrant.” Anyone who believes otherwise can be considered one of PT Barnum’s infamous fools.

Bill Waxman, Simi Valley


To the editor: “Trump’s Big Night,” the headline read. What a night! I watched the convention while eating a big bowl of ice cream. The crowd laughed, sometimes cried, as they listened to all the amazing speakers this week, including his children and his precious 17-year-old granddaughter, who spoke with such love for her grandfather. She was a star.

What an enthusiastic crowd! What a spectacle! How brilliant! And the theme was love: love for America and love for Trump!

Trump entered amid flashing lights and spoke for 90 minutes. His ear was bandaged, some in the crowd had their ears taped up to show respect. Trump kissed the uniform helmet hung in honor of the man who was killed and talked about the money raised for this man's family. There was cheering and then the whole family appeared on stage, including the stunning Melania. And then, they released red, white and blue balloons and finally, shiny gold balloons! What a night!

Elaine Vanoff, West Hollywood


To the editor: How long will we have to continue with the hypocrisy that Trump was saved from death by an assassin's bullet because, as Trump said, he had “God on his side”? [his] Whose side is God on?” Using that logic, Corey Comperatore, a true hero who took a bullet to protect his family, did not have God on his side. And must every speaker end his presentation with the jingoistic “God bless America”? That only emboldens those who feel that by divine right America can do whatever it pleases on the international stage. I, for one, do not want to be part of a deity that makes decisions about which individuals to forgive and blesses some nations but not others.

Raoul Hutchens, Los Angeles


To the editor: The narrative of this week's Republican National Convention has been that Donald Trump has been transformed: There is a new Trump, a unifier, a humble and more empathetic man who has been given a second chance after his brush with an assassin's bullet.

To me, this reminds me of what was said about Richard Nixon — the New Nixon — before and during his 1968 election campaign, and continuing into his re-election campaign in 1972. Unfortunately, we didn't learn until after the Watergate facts came out that there was no New Nixon. The new label was exposed for what it was: a sham. A lie. It was clearly the same old, cheating Dick Nixon.

Fortunately for America, the “New Trump” label has also been exposed for what it is: a sham and a lie. While Nixon’s sham was not fully exposed until years after his election, the New Trump was exposed before the 2024 election, just days after his supposed epiphany and about ten minutes after he read his acceptance speech off a teleprompter. The real Trump was exposed as the lying, vengeful, vindictive authoritarian-in-waiting, insurgent and divisive that he is.

David W. Steuber, Laguna Beach

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