Involve the director general of health services to demystify abortion

To the editor: Thank you for the valuable editorial on common misinformation about abortion. Below are three more pervasive myths:

Myth 1: Abortions have serious long-term mental health consequences. Fact: Researchers have found that the most common feeling after abortion is relief. Less than 10% of patients experience significant regret.

Myth 2: Abortions are dangerous to a woman's health and fertility. Fact: Abortions performed in the U.S. are safer than giving birth. They have no effect on fertility.

Myth 3: Medical abortion can be reversed. Fact: The only study that evaluated whether medical abortion could be reversed had to be stopped due to unacceptably high levels of adverse events.

I wish the US Surgeon General would publicly address all this misinformation about abortion.

Paula Tavrow, Pasadena

The author is an adjunct professor at the UCLA Fielding School of Public Health.


To the editor: A letter writer claims that pregnancy is important for both the father and the mother. He regrets the fact that “in most cases [of abortion] “The mother is making a unilateral decision.”

I would like to point out that any man who is truly concerned about the consequences of a sexual encounter should raise this issue with the woman and be absolutely sure that they are both on the same page before sleeping with her.

Janice Blake, Manhattan Beach


To the editor: An anti-abortion letter writer asks if men have any rights.

Yes, they do. Men can enjoy sex all their lives and never have to worry about getting pregnant. Enjoy it, because women can't.

Michele Annino, San Marco

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