I grew up with Bill Walton, a “local legend on the city playgrounds”

To the editor: Bill Walton's death affected me quite a bit and why wouldn't it affect me? We lived in parallel universes. (“Bill Walton, UCLA legend, NBA star and Pac-12 defender, dies at 71,” May 27)

We were born two weeks apart. He grew up in La Mesa, a suburb of San Diego, and I grew up in the next town over. At 11 years old he was already a local legend on the city's playgrounds. Our parents worked as social workers for San Diego County.

I used to watch him play at Helix High School when our two schools met. He was skilled, yes, and already had a sharp basketball mind, but did anyone think then that he would win two NCAA championships and two NBA titles? Well, no, no one except Walton, that is.

Walton was an original. He had humor, courage, dignity and strength. He wasn't afraid to speak. He brought so much joy to this world and his presence will be sorely missed.

Finally, and appropriately as we pay our last respects, a Grateful Dead song comes to mind: “Going Down the Road Feeling Bad.”

Mark Richardson, Encinitas


To the editor: Walton was a big supporter of the Pac-12 and constantly referred to it as the “conference of champions.” Perhaps it's somewhat fitting that his death coincides with the death of the Pac-12.

Rest in peace, Bill. You will be greatly missed.

Joel Jamison, Carpentry


To the editor: Walton's death is a great loss for humanity. She was the epitome of a lifelong learner, open and eager for new experiences, cultures and knowledge.

He was always modest, directing praise and attention to others. Yes, he annoyed me with his lack of attention to the game he was supposed to be analyzing. But I think he found current basketball uninteresting, so he jumped from topic to topic, unable to contain his enthusiasm for sharing what he considered the infinite miracles of life.

In these difficult times, we will sorely miss Walton's open-hearted optimism and his ability to find wonder and goodness everywhere.

Greg Heninger, Whittier

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