How your company can benefit from a digital copyright policy

The rapid development of user-generated digital content has given rise to an ecosystem in which anyone can quickly produce their own copyrighted content and edit other people's copyrighted works.

That is why the concept of digital copyright is vital for any business.

Understanding digital copyright

According to the Copyright Alliance, 377 cases were filed with the United States Copyright Claims Board in the first two months of 2023, with infringement claims accounting for the majority of cases (329).

Companies often produce and use various forms of digital content, such as images, videos, audio, text, software, and more, for various purposes. Even unintentionally infringing on someone else's copyright can lead to legal disputes, financial loss, and damage to a company's reputation.

What a digital copyright policy should cover

By having a well-defined digital copyright policy, companies can protect their own digital assets and reduce the risk of inadvertently infringing copyright.

Such a policy should include digital rights management, third-party content, fair use, copyright education, and confidentiality.

For example, a policy should recognize that the fair use provisions of copyright law permit limited use of copyrighted materials without permission for certain purposes. These provisions consist of commentary, criticism, education, news reporting, and research. Additionally, clear guidelines on the use of third-party content ensure that any restrictions on the use, redistribution and attribution of third-party digital content are respected.

The idea is to help your employees and ensure they have the legal right before using or sharing digital content. If necessary, appropriate permits or licenses must be obtained. Additionally, the policy must explicitly describe the extent of confidentiality covered in the process of investigating potential digital copyright violations under any existing state or federal law.

If you think your company could benefit, download the eight-page policy for $9 on TechRepublic Premium.

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