For many Republicans, the only thing that matters is Trump's tough attitude

To the editor: Columnist Jackie Calmes touches on a key issue, perhaps he key issue: the 2024 presidential campaign. (“That frown. The gag order. A scared jury. Who is on trial, a former president or a mafia boss?” April 28)

Many of former President Trump's supporters have no interest in his alleged criminal behavior, his policies, his philosophies, or even his politics. They simply admire his hyper-macho dialect and gangster emulation, and believe in his exaggerated tough-guy arrogance.

And yes, if Al Pacino's “Scarface” actually ran in this election and embraced right-wing talking points, he would easily get 30% to 40% of the electorate.

Or, God forbid, even more.

RC Price, San Clemente


To the editor: We are on trial. The largest and most productive nation on Earth, right now, is on trial in New York.

Half of us believed the misleading and titillating celebrity stories in the National Enquirer and Fox News, and now we are being asked to account for our gullibility.

And in the harsh light of the courtroom, nonsense doesn't work well.

Merle Borg, San Diego

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