California is in trouble. Why don't its voters elect Republicans?

To the editor: Steve Lopez, referring to California Republicans, writes: “None of them have offered winning solutions to deep-rooted problems… You can’t blame Democrats for that.” (“They Say Democrats Are to Blame for All of California’s Problems, But the GOP Is Missing,” column, Sept. 7).

Actually, we can.

Republicans have been marginalized in the state legislature for decades. Major bills must be sponsored by a Democrat, or the proposed legislation has no chance of making it out of committee.

The main culprits are the majority of California voters who continue to vote for Democrats who have proven, time and time again, that they cannot solve our problems. Physician, heal thyself.

Jim Rueff, Fountain Valley


To the editor: Lopez's column mentioning angry letter writers who blame Democrats for all the problems facing this state was illuminating.

Both parties in this state share responsibility for misguided laws and executive actions, but only one, the Republican Party, has gone AWOL and spouted absolute insanity in response to immigration, housing, reproductive rights, climate change, and virtually every other issue we face.

That’s why, like a great many old white men in Orange County, he can’t automatically be trusted to support the MAGA minions who have torn the Republican Party apart. The party is over for Republicans in this state because they have nothing to offer us in terms of solutions, and their divisive rhetoric severely limits our options as voters.

I will vote for people who care, show up, and proudly stand up for their priorities. Right now, that's the Democrats in this state, and no one else comes close.

Michael J. Harley, Laguna Niguel

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