Biden stumbled in the debate, but he's still much better than Trump

To the editor: I, like millions of Americans, watched the debate between President Biden and former President Trump, after which a cavalcade of surrogates and spinners told us what they want us to believe we had just witnessed.

What I saw, and I hope most thoughtful voters saw, was a very polished and experienced con artist repeat his many lies, exaggerations and distortions of the truth on national television.

His opponent, a reformed stutterer and lifelong public official who has dedicated his career to improving the lives of all Americans, may have seemed at times at a loss for words. But he is clearly the best person to lead our country for the next four years.

Don't be fooled by a 90-minute commercial full of lies, hosted by a former reality TV salesman who will say anything to make you believe he is the solution to your problems. We are better than that.

Donnie Moore, Redondo Beach


To the editor: I was deeply shocked that CNN moderators did not immediately correct or stop Trump's lies, including his statement that no one respects Biden, including the leaders of European countries.

On the contrary, Europeans have long known and appreciated Biden, a man of great experience and decency. He is horrified that someone like Trump could take back the presidency.

Liselotte Millauer, Hollywood


To the editor: The upcoming election is no longer just about Biden versus Trump. This decision is about what kind of country we want to live in.

Biden's age and his hesitant speech are not what we need to discuss. Trump's altered view of reality, his constant lying, and his refusal to answer questions are cause for further concern. He has every intention of being a dictator and everything that entails.

I hope this encourages all eligible voters to go to the polls. This is not the right time to sit down.

Cathy Dekastrozza, Mesa, Arizona.


To the editor: As expected, the debate was a farce. Nothing new was learned. Politicians reaffirmed their positions. They answered the questions they wanted and not the ones they were asked.

A debate has no bearing on a person's ability to govern, let alone his underlying principles and beliefs. The lack of meaningful follow-up questions was a fatal flaw.

In a perverse way, though, the debate was revealing: There was a clear winner, and it wasn't Trump.

Even if you treat his exhibition as a case of performance art, elevating form above substance, it was still revealing. Trump was bombast, chaos, retaliation and lies. Biden was boring, verbose and substantive. These descriptions are consistent with his reputation.

So the question is: what is the best way to govern: form or substance?

Someone once said that the people get the government they deserve. If you want to govern, there is only one option. If you want sound and fury, woe betide us!

Steven L. Rice, Thousand Oaks

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