War between Russia and Ukraine continues on second anniversary of invasion

After analyzing the TikTok profiles of 10 Nepalese men who traveled to Russia to join the military, CNN used satellite images to geolocate them at the Avangard training center, a military academy outside Moscow.

What to know about the academy: The academy was designed as a youth military academy and describes itself as a “patriotic education” center. It has been converted into a training academy for foreign mercenaries entering the ranks of the Russian army.

Other nationalities: A Nepalese soldier in Russia, who did not want to be identified for security reasons, described his fellow academy cadets as coming from across the global south. He cited Afghan, Indian, Congolese and Egyptian classmates, among others. Avangard class photos posted on social media show dozens of what appear to be South Asian soldiers with native Russian instructors.

Language barrier: Several Nepalis enlisting in the Russian army have stated that they do not speak Russian, but explain that Avangard instructors try to accommodate this by training the men in English. That language barrier has played a major role in the deaths of many Nepalis on the front lines, said Ramchandra Khadka, a fighter who returned to Nepal.

Brief training: Several of the Nepalis who fought for Russia said they had received only brief training before being sent into combat. Such a short training period before sending Nepali soldiers to fight “shows the desperation of the Russian government and its need for human resources on the front lines,” said Binoj Basnyat, a retired major general in the Nepalese army, who now works as a strategic analyst. . .

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