War between Israel and Hamas in Gaza and deadly attack in Rafah spark global outrage

American-made munitions were used in a deadly Israeli attack on a camp for displaced Palestinians in Rafah, a CNN analysis of video from the scene and a review by explosive weapons experts found.

CNN geolocated videos show tents on fire after the attack on the internally displaced persons (IDP) camp known as “Kuwait Peace Camp 1.”

In a video shared on social media, which CNN geolocated to the same scene by matching details including the camp entrance sign and tiles on the ground, the tail of a GBU-39 small diameter bomb (SDB) is seen. American-made, according to four explosive weapons experts who reviewed the video for CNN.

The GBU-39, manufactured by Boeing, is a high-precision munition “designed to engage strategically important point targets” and cause little collateral damage, explosive weapons expert Chris Cobb-Smith told CNN.

But “the use of any munition, even of this size, will always involve risks in a densely populated area,” said Cobb-Smith, a former British Army artillery officer.

Trevor Ball, a former senior member of the US Army's Explosive Ordnance Disposal Team who also identified the fragment as being from a GBU-39, explained to CNN how he came to his conclusion.

“The warhead part [of the munition] is distinct, and the guide and wing section are extremely unique compared to other ammunition. The guide and wing sections of munitions are usually the remains that remain even after a munition detonates. I saw the tail drive section and instantly knew it was one of the SDB/GBU-39 variants.”

CNN's identification of the ammunition is consistent with a statement made by Israel Defense Forces spokesman Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari at a briefing on the tragedy on Tuesday. Hagari said the attack, which he said targeted senior Hamas commanders, used two munitions with small warheads containing 17 kilograms of explosives, adding that these bombs were “the smallest munitions our planes could use.”

The traditional GBU-39 warhead has an explosive charge of 17 kilos.

Additionally, the serial numbers on the wreckage match those of a California-based GBU-39 parts manufacturer—further evidence that the bombs were manufactured in the United States.

The Pentagon declined to comment and referred CNN to Israel's comments on its operation. CNN also reached out to the US National Security Council.

Some context: The United States has long been the largest arms supplier to Israel, and that support has continued despite growing political pressure on the Biden administration over the Gaza offensive.

Last month, Biden signed a foreign aid bill that included $26 billion for the conflict between Israel and Hamas, including $15 billion in Israeli military aid, $9 billion in humanitarian aid for Gaza and $2.4 billion dollars for regional US military operations.

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