Trump's harshest critics are successful people who feel their own insignificance

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Then, in Las Vegas over the weekend, Trump sharply criticized boat electrical mandates after telling the crowd about a conversation he had with a boat manufacturer. I wonder: did he ask what would happen if the ship sank under its weight? And you're on that boat and you have this tremendously powerful battery.

DONALD TRUMP: What would happen if the ship sank due to its weight? And you're on the boat and you have this tremendously powerful battery, and the battery is now underwater, and there's a shark that's about ten yards away. By the way, there have been a lot of shark attacks lately. Do you notice that?

Wait. There is a shark ten meters from the boat. Am I electrocuted?

DONALD TRUMP: Then there is a shark ten meters from the boat. Ten meters this way. Am I electrocuted if the boat sinks, water goes through the battery, the boat sinks? Do I stay on top of the boat and get electrocuted? Or do I jump over the shark and not get electrocuted? Because I'll tell you, he didn't know the answer. He said, “You know, no one has ever asked me that question.”

It's a great question. Electrocution or eaten by [a] shark? We should give death row inmates a choice. I like how you guys think. Yeah, I bet Trump also said “I think that's a good question.”

DONALD TRUMP: I said, I think that's a good question. I think a lot of electrical current passes through that water. But do you know what I would do if there was a shark or you were electrocuted? I'll get electrocuted every time. I won't go near the shark.


I don't blame him and I'm sure Biden agrees. Electrocution is how they restart your heart every day. Two hits on the screws on his neck. Speaking of Joe, he's hemorrhaging voters as Jesse sheds follicles. Suddenly, it's Trump who seems to be able to unite the country. And this is scaring the hell out of Democrats. They're melting like Cher's face in direct sunlight. Over the weekend, the LA Times ran this headline: “In Silicon Valley, more support is pouring in for Trump. Is he a big threat to Biden?” Well, consider that tickets to a recent Trump fundraiser reportedly cost $300,000 each and the event sold out. Apparently Trump raised $12,000,000 in one night, the same amount I offered Taylor Swift to get her to stop calling me. Now, the big tech money may still be Democrats, but cracks are starting to form and they're deeper than Pelosi's.

It is no secret that the black and Hispanic vote, mostly men, is leaning toward Trump. This, as smart national figures are now willing to come out publicly in favor of Trump. For example, rapper 50 Cent says he sees black men “identifying” with Trump in the upcoming election because they received charges from Rico. Which means Fani Willis's bogus prosecution of Trump may be the biggest backfire since Joe forgot his lactose pills after a pint of Häagen-Dazs. But don't accept it from me. The Las Vegas odds have Trump as the favorite to win and Joe as the favorite to star in The Walking Dead. Meanwhile, talking lizard James Carville had to complain: “I thought President Biden shouldn't run for re-election.” He said it just before devouring a plate of sautéed worms. So if all the money and smart people are pouring into Trump, who are the holdouts—that is, the people in our public life who are well-informed enough to know better but still insist on backing Trump? a brain dead Biden? I'll tell you who. It is the rich and famous, paralyzed by their own egos, who look at Trump with envy.


Think about it. Imagine being Robert De Niro or Stephen King, or Howard Stern or Jimmy Kimmel, and you just got the memo that you're not the center of the universe, and that memo is written on Donald Trump's letterhead. Instead of ignoring the working class, it's these elitist idiots. It is these powerful men, successful in their own right, who are made to feel small by Trump. If you notice, Trump's staunchest critics are successful people who feel their own insignificance in this new Trump world. They feel like I do when I take a photo with Tyrus. It's also why people from the past like Liz Cheney, Michael Cohen, and Anthony Scaramucci are obsessed with taking down Trump.

They are great actors in this movie and they are waiting for the moment to steal scenes. But the most obvious example? The guy closest to Trump in temperament and personality: Howard Stern. As Trump ascended, Stern retreated, became a believer in the gospel of the six-foot social distancing rule, and used Covid to justify becoming Gloria Swanson, holed up in her 40,000-square-foot mansion, dictating to everyone how stupid and murderers they were for not having what they had. And what does Stern have in common with Jimmy Kimmel? It is the feeling of degradation. They realize that the world does not revolve around them.

A crushing realization if your ego is everything. Right now, Trump is more important than all of them combined and that is killing them. Meanwhile, the smart but ego-satisfied person out there, whether it's Elon Musk or Vivek Ramaswamy or me, doesn't take it personally that Trump might be the most important human being in the world. Of course, beating Ryan Seacrest. But it's because these people can think big, they know this election, and in fact this nation is more than just them, which is why they stuck their necks out for Trump and stuck their middle fingers out to the media.


Meanwhile, selfish people have become extras in the movie of their lives, and those who once considered extras have taken on leading roles. That is, the electorate. They can't believe that the big unwashed don't listen to them, but to this new protagonist. And then they see Trump and ask: why couldn't it be me? It's the one thing narcissists can't stand: being ignored on the world stage.

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