The funeral of Alexey Navalny, a figure of the Russian opposition

Mourners gathered outside the Church of the Icon of the Mother of God in Moscow on Friday told CNN they had gathered to pay their respects to their true “hero,” Alexey Navalny.

small port He said he traveled from St. Petersburg because he “loved” Navalny. “He was a real hero… I want to say 'goodbye' to him,” she said, adding that he was not surprised that the Kremlin had denied any involvement in Navalny's death. “They show the whole world that we do what we want to do,” she said. “We can suppress you.”

Tatiana She said she had attended several of Navalny's meetings as a long-time supporter. The 82-year-old Moscow resident said it was “natural” for her to come out to pay her respects to Navalny. “I always supported them [Navalny’s] politics, his ideas. I share these ideas,” Tatiana added.

None of the women said they were deterred by the potential risk of attending the funeral.

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