Spotted lanternfly eggs discovered in California for the first time

Eggs of the spotted lanternfly, an invasive species that has wreaked havoc on crops in more than a dozen states, were recently discovered in a metal art installation headed to Sonoma County, one of the country's most esteemed wine regions. Of California.

The discovery of the eggs of the infamous insect represents the first time the insect has been seen in California. The California Association. of Winegrape Gowers, a state nonprofit organization, warns that the invasive grasshopper native to Asia has the potential to affect the entire wine grape industry in California, which could drive up prices if an infestation results in a smaller grape harvest.

“Spotted lanternflies have been found in 18 states and have been shown to pose a serious threat to vineyards,” said Natalie Collins, president of the growers group. “These invasive insects feed on the sap of the vines, while also leaving a sticky honeydew residue on the clusters and leaves.”

The impacts of stress on the plant could range from reduced yields (and fewer bottles of wine for consumers) and, if severe and persistent enough, complete vine death and higher wine prices. Collins said no adult lanternflies have been reported in the state.

California is responsible for an average of 81% of total U.S. wine production each year, according to the Wine Institute.

The association warned that if there are additional masses of eggs in California from other shipments that have not been detected “they could produce adult eggs.” [spotted lanternflies] in the coming weeks and peak populations are expected to occur in late summer or early fall.”

Last year, the California Department of Food and Agriculture developed an action plan to try to eradicate the pests if they entered the state. State officials have asked the public to look for egg masses outdoors. If an insect is found, they recommend grabbing it and placing it in a container where it cannot escape, taking a photo and reporting it to the CDFA Pest Hotline at (800) 491-1899.

The metal art installation in which the eggs were found was shipped to California in late March from New York, where insects have been a persistent problem. After 11 viable egg masses were detected at the Truckee Border Protection Station, the 30-foot-tall work of art was sent back to Nevada, where officials discovered another 30 egg masses. The artwork was pressure washed with detergent and then shipped back to Truckee, according to the association.

When the installation arrived in Sonoma County on April 4, the owner agreed to allow officials to open the hollow beams of the artwork to further inspect it. Inside, they found three additional egg masses and searched until they were sure no other eggs were present.

Spotted lanternflies were first discovered in Pennsylvania in 2014 and quickly spread to nearby states, where they became a nuisance. In New York they proved to be such a problem that officials encouraged residents to kill them on sight. The pest has become so notorious that it appeared on “Saturday Night Live” in a 2022 skit where a viewer applauded them for capturing “the incredible arrogance of the lanternfly.”

While they feed on over 100 different plant species, they have a particular affinity for vines and a tree known as the “tree of heaven.” Adults, which have the ability to fly short distances, are typically 1 inch long. At rest, with its wings folded, the insect has a dull tan gray color with black spots. During flight, its open wings feature a bright red, white and black pattern.

The species is often described as a “hitchhiker,” as its egg masses resemble mud pies and can be easily transported on tractor trailers and semi-trailers. During the first three immature stages of the insect's life cycle, they appear black with white spots and then turn red and black with white spots.

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