Some travelers will be able to be screened at the Las Vegas airport

Going through airport security can be a soul-sucking experience, That's why many travelers sign up for the TSA PreCheck system to qualify for shorter lines and the right to keep their seat belts and shoes on while passing through the body scanner.

Soon, the Transportation Security Administration could further lighten the burden for TSA PreCheck enrollees: by offering them a self-service screening system.

TSA PreCheck passengers at Harry Reid International Airport in Las Vegas will be able to try out the new service in mid-March, when testing begins, according to a news release from the Department of Homeland Security. The same standards and control rules required for the PreCheck lanes will apply to the self-check lane.

The goal of the service is to allow travelers to address security issues that would normally require a pat-down or secondary screening by TSA agents. If the system detects a potential problem when the traveler's body is examined, they will be shown the alarm information and given a means to correct it, DHS said.

Originally developed and tested in Arlington, Virginia, the system has a video monitor that displays step-by-step instructions for the evaluation. TSA officers will be available to assist if needed.

TSA will also collect feedback and data from passengers on system performance, cybersecurity, design, human factors and other variables.

“Airline passenger numbers continue to increase year over year, creating a need for innovative screening solutions that improve transportation safety and make travel more efficient,” DHS Undersecretary for Science and Technology said in the statement. Dimitri Kusnezov.

The TSA plans to study the results of the evaluation before implementing the system at other airports.

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