Sean Hannity: Left-wing media is full of lies, dishonesty and hysteria

Fox News host Sean Hannity said Democrats can't run based on President Biden's record, so they use out-of-context quotes to energize their shrinking base. His latest attempt is to attack former President Donald Trump's analogy to campaign rallies, the “bloodbath,” referring to the economic effects on the auto industry if President Biden is elected.


SEAN HANNITY: I mean, you have to laugh. Just, you know, flat-out lies, dishonesty, hysteria from NBC, CBS, fake news CNN, 'MSDNC', The New York Times, pretty much every member of the Democratic Party, every single “mainstream media” “. They are just outright lying to your face. Trump's full comments are now recorded. He clearly is not calling for political violence at all. In fact, he's using, well, let's say, a pretty normal analogy. In fact, this phrase, pay attention, liberal Joe, is very common on the left.

They take Donald Trump's words completely out of context. They pretend that we are facing an existential crisis, and that is what they do every day. The biggest donors to the Biden campaign this year, like in 2020, like Hillary Clinton in 2016, will be the media mafia.

Joe has already jumped the shark, compared Trump to the KKK, and is accusing Trump of ending American democracy. He lies about abortion. We now know that they lied a lot about January 6th and withheld a lot of information that exonerated you, the American people. And he has lied about the economy. You are better? Joe Biden It is promoting panic, hysteria, it is promoting a false existential crisis. He is trying to shore up his shrinking base in the mafia and the media. They are simply an extension of the Biden campaign.

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