San Francisco removes flag from pine tree, says it is contaminated before January 6

A pine flag, a symbol originating from the Revolutionary War but more recently linked to groups that stormed the United States Capitol on January 6, 2021, has been removed from San Francisco's Civic Center Plaza.

The simple white flag with a green pine tree in the center and the words “A Call to Heaven” at the top had flown at the city's American Flag Pavilion for 60 years, but was removed after the mayor's office said that the flag, and its meaning, was co-opted by extremists.

“The Pine Flag, or the Appeal to Heaven flag, has recently been adopted to represent a different meaning by the extremists who led the insurrection at the United States Capitol on January 6, 2021,” said Jeff Cretan, San Francisco spokesperson. Mayor of London Race. “This was an abhorrent and shameful moment in our country's history that threatened the very fabric of our democracy and continues to affect those who experienced violence and the attack on our fundamental values.”

The decision to remove the flag in front of City Hall came just days after the New York Times reported that the flag was raised in front of the home of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr. in Virginia. , last year.

The media outlet also reported that in 2020, after the presidential election, the American flag was flown upside down in front of Alito's home. The American flag code, which is not applicable, specifies that the stars and stripes should be flown upside down only “as a sign of extreme distress in cases of extreme danger to life or property.” The inverted flag was used as a symbol by supporters of former President Trump who challenged the results of the presidential election.

The Pine flag has been flown and seen at right-wing events and was carried by rioters during the January 6 insurrection.

Following the New York Times' report on the controversial flag flown at the judge's home, Alito told Congress in a letter Wednesday that he would not recuse himself from participating in upcoming Supreme Court cases stemming from the Jan. 6 attack.

In San Francisco, city officials removed the controversial flag over the weekend.

Cretan, a spokesman for the mayor's office, said there was no legislative requirement to lower the flag.

In 1964, the city also removed the Confederate battle flag shortly after it was first raised.

The city has raised 18 flags at the American Flag Pavilion since June 14, 1964, and each is intended to represent a significant moment in American history.

But the Pine flag is not the only controversial flag of the pavilion that has been used by extremist groups.

Gadsden's yellow flag, which features a coiled rattlesnake and the words “Don't tread on me,” is also displayed at the pavilion.

The flag has been used by right-wing organizations, including militia groups that have been linked to armed clashes with federal authorities.

A spokesperson for Breed's office said he was reviewing whether that flag should also be removed.

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