Russia advances in Ukraine as it faces global criticism after Navalny's death

US House Speaker Mike Johnson speaks at the US Capitol on February 15 in Washington, DC. Kevin Dietsch/Getty Images

US House Speaker Mike Johnson faces international criticism for his lack of quick action on aid to Ukraine, increasing pressure to make a decision that will have massive implications for his rookie president and the effort. Ukraine's war against Russia.

Johnson has resisted calls to put a Senate-approved relief package to a quick vote, a move that would require Democratic support and would almost certainly spark a revolt on his right flank, something he is eager to avoid.

The spokesman has said the legislation, which includes more than $60 billion in assistance for Ukraine, would not pass in its current form, and privately told Republicans during a closed-door meeting last week that “there is no rush” to address the issue, as Congress has since left town for a nearly two-week recess.

The stakes of the high-profile debate gained even more attention over the weekend. Russian opponent Alexei Navalny died in prison and Ukraine suffered a major setback against Russian forces on the battlefield.

Those developments have injected a new sense of urgency for Congress to act as the second anniversary of the Russian invasion of Ukraine approaches this weekend.

While there is a contingent of House Republicans who support additional aid to Ukraine, and he has majority support in the chamber as a whole, Johnson has to manage a right flank that resists additional aid.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has waded into the debate, urging Republicans to oppose funding Ukraine and continue criticizing NATO.

Here's more about it The president of the House and aid to Ukraine.

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