Quick Facts About Dick Cheney | CNN Politics


Here's a look at the life of Dick Cheney, the 46th vice president of the United States.

Birthdate: January 30, 1941

Place of birth: Lincoln (Nebraska)

Birth name: Richard Bruce Cheney

Father: Richard Herbert Cheney, worked for the Department of Agriculture

Mother: Marjorie Lorena (Dickey) Cheney

Marriage: Lynne Ann (Vincent) Cheney (August 29, 1964-present)

Children: Mary and Elizabeth

Education: Attended Yale University, 1959-1960; He attended Casper College, 1963; University of Wyoming, BA, Political Science, 1965; University of Wyoming, M.A. in Political Science, 1966; He attended the University of Wisconsin as a Ph.D. candidate, 1968, did not finish

Religion: Methodist

When Cheney was 13, his family moved to Casper, Wyoming, where his father worked for the U.S. Soil Conservation Service.

Cheney was co-captain of the Natrona High School football team and president his senior year. Lynne Vincent, his future wife, was the prom queen.

He has suffered at least five heart attacks since 1978.

His youngest daughter, Mary, is openly gay. Cheney has said in the past that she supports same-sex marriage, but regulations should be handled at the state level.

His oldest daughter, Liz, is a U.S. representative from Wyoming.

1966 – Drops out of University of Wisconsin doctoral program to work as staff assistant to Governor Warren Knowles.

1968 – Cheney receives a Congressional Fellowship from the American Political Science Association under Congressman William Steiger and moves to Washington, DC.

1969 – Assigned to work for Donald Rumsfeld, director of the Office of Economic Opportunity in President Richard Nixon's administration. Rumsfeld appoints Cheney to special assistant position.

1970 – Rumsfeld becomes White House advisor. Cheney becomes his deputy.

1971-1973 – Deputy Director of the Cost of Living Council.

1973 – Rumsfeld asks Cheney to accompany him to Brussels, Belgium, when Nixon appoints Rumsfeld ambassador to NATO. Cheney declines and instead accepts a position as vice president at Bradley, Woods and Company, a Washington, D.C., investment firm that advises corporate clients on politics and federal policy.

August 1974 – Gerald Ford succeeds President Nixon and appoints Rumsfeld to head his transition team. Rumsfeld recruits Cheney to act as his deputy.

YesSeptember 1974 – Appointed deputy assistant to the president.

November 5, 1975-1977 – White House Chief of Staff.

June 18, 1978 – He has a heart attack.

January 3, 1979 – March 17, 1989 – US Representative from Wyoming. He is re-elected five times.

1981-1987 – Chairman of the House Republican Policy Committee.

1984 – He has a second heart attack.

1987 – President-elect of the House Republican Conference.

1988 – He becomes the minority whip of the House.

1988 – He suffers a third heart attack and undergoes quadruple bypass surgery.

March 1989 – President George HW Bush nominates Cheney for Secretary of Defense after John Tower's nomination for the position failed to win Senate confirmation.

1989-1993 – He serves as secretary of defense. He directs two military campaigns during this time: Operation Just Cause in Panama and Operation Desert Storm in the Middle East.

July 3, 1991 – President Bush awarded him the Presidential Medal of Freedom for his leadership during the Gulf War.

March 1992 – Cheney and other current and former congressmen are named in a scandal involving House bank overdrafts. Cheney later acknowledges the overdrafts. The House Ethics Committee, formerly the House Committee on Standards of Official Conduct, offers recommendations that fall short of a formal investigation. (The House Sergeant-at-Arms Bank ceased all banking activities at the end of 1991.)

nineteen ninety five – He becomes president and CEO of Halliburton, an engineering and construction company for the oil industry.

March 2000 – Requested by George W. Bush to be his running mate. Cheney refuses and instead accepts a position vetting potential vice presidential candidates. He accepts in July when Bush asks him again.

November 22, 2000 – Cheney is admitted to a hospital with chest pains. Doctors say she had a mild heart attack and they inserted a stent to open an artery.

December 12, 2000 – The U.S. Supreme Court overturns a Florida Supreme Court decision that ordered a recount of thousands of votes, effectively ceding the presidency to Bush and Cheney.

2001-2009 – He serves as vice president of the United States.

March 5, 2001 – Cheney is admitted to George Washington University Hospital with chest pains. She undergoes angioplasty to reopen the treated artery in November 2000. It is determined that she did not suffer a heart attack on this occasion.

June 30, 2001 – Doctors insert a “pacemaker plus” device to monitor Cheney's heart rate and slow it if it becomes irregular.

November 2, 2004 – Bush and Cheney are re-elected.

September 24, 2005 – He undergoes surgery at George Washington University Hospital for an arterial aneurysm behind his right knee. A similar procedure will be performed later on an aneurysm in an artery behind the left knee.

December 18, 2005 – He makes a surprise visit to the troops in Iraq. It is his first trip to the country since 1991.

February 11, 2006 – During a quail hunting trip in Texas, Cheney accidentally shoots and wounds his hunting partner, Harry Whittington.

July 13, 2006 – Cheney, along with Karl Rove, Scooter Libby and several unnamed defendants, are named in a federal civil lawsuit filed by Valerie Plame and Joseph Wilson. The lawsuit claims that Plame was the victim of intentional and malicious exposure, and that both she and Wilson “suffered a violation of their rights guaranteed to them by the Constitution of the United States and the laws of the District of Columbia.” The lawsuit is later dismissed.

March 5, 2007 – Doctors at George Washington University Hospital find a blood clot in Cheney's lower left leg.

July 28, 2007 – Cheney has the battery in his cardiac defibrillator replaced.

November 26, 2007 – You are diagnosed with atrial fibrillation (an irregular heartbeat), after visiting your doctor complaining of a persistent cough. You undergo a routine cardiac procedure aimed at returning your heart to a normal rhythm.

September 17, 2009 – You undergo elective back surgery to treat pain caused by a case of lumbar spinal stenosis.

February 22, 2010 – Cheney is hospitalized at George Washington University Hospital after experiencing chest pains. It is determined that Cheney suffered a mild heart attack.

August 2011 – On a tour to promote the publication of her upcoming memoir “In My Time,” Cheney criticizes former Bush administration officials Condoleezza Rice, Colin Powell and George Tenet.

March 24, 2012 – His office says he is recovering after successful heart transplant surgery.

2013 – The medical memoir “Heart: An American Medical Odyssey,” co-written by Dick Cheney and Dr. Jonathan Reiner, is published.

December 3, 2015 – A bust of Cheney is unveiled at the US Capitol.

January 3, 2017 – He attends his daughter Liz Cheney's swearing-in ceremony. In November, she won the Wyoming congressional seat his father once held.

March 27, 2017 – He says alleged Russian meddling in the 2016 election could be considered an “act of war” during a speech at an economic forum in India. He also states that he believes the Russian efforts were directed by President Vladimir Putin.

December 25, 2018 – The film titled “Vice,” starring Christian Bale as Cheney, opens in theaters in the United States.

January 6, 2022 – Cheney and her daughter, Rep. Liz Cheney, are the only Republicans in the House of Representatives during a rally commemorating the Jan. 6 riots. Later, he makes a statement saying that he is “deeply disappointed that many members of my party have not recognized the seriousness of the January 6 attacks and the current threat to our nation.”

August 4, 2022 – Cheney appears in a new campaign ad for her daughter, Rep. Liz Cheney. In the ad she criticizes former President Trump as a “threat to our republic” and a “coward.”

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