Partial government shutdown and congressional funding bill loom

The United States Capitol in Washington, DC, on February 27. Mandel Ngan/AFP/Getty Images

Congressional leaders reached an agreement Wednesday on some of the appropriations bills that fund the federal government, as well as a short-term stopgap measure that would expand government funding and avoid a partial shutdown before the deadline. Friday night.

In a joint statement Wednesday, House Speaker Mike Johnson, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and House Minority Leader Representatives Hakeem Jeffries and other top lawmakers announced that negotiators reached an agreement on six bills and that the package will be voted on. and died before March 8.

“Give the House and Senate Appropriations Committees adequate time to execute this agreement in principle, including drafting, preparation of report language, punctuation and other technical matters, and allow members 72 hours to review , a short-term continuing resolution to fund agencies through March 8 and 22 will be necessary, and will be voted on by the House and Senate this week,” congressional leaders said in their statement.

The six bills in the proposed agreement cover funding for:

  • The Department of Agriculture and the Food and Drug Administration
  • The Departments of Commerce and Justice
  • Development of science, energy and water.
  • The Department of the Interior
  • Military Construction and the Department of Veterans Affairs
  • The Department of Transportation and Housing and Urban Development

It would also extend the deadline for six other priorities, including Defense, Health and Human Services, Homeland Security, Financial Services, State and Foreign Operations and the Legislative Branch, to March 22, as negotiators work on a broader agreement to fully fund to the government through at the end of the fiscal year in September.

Read more about the agreement.

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