New York Attorney General’s Office and Former NRA Official Reach Settlement Days Before Trial Against Gun Rights Group Leadership

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Former National Rifle Association official Joshua Powell admitted wrongdoing in a deal with New York Attorney General Letitia James’ office that was announced just days before Monday’s trial that sought to dissolve the group without Pro-gun nonprofit.

Powell, who was once the NRA’s chief operating officer and chief of staff to recently resigned NRA executive vice president Wayne LaPierre, had already turned his back on the powerful gun rights group, writing about the “staggering” waste and corruption in his 2020 book “Inside the NRA,” before his $100,000 settlement with James’ office was announced Friday.

He agreed to testify at trial, pay the NRA $100,000 and renounce further involvement in nonprofit organizations.

Along with Powell, James had sued LaPierre, NRA general counsel John Frazer, and retired NRA chief financial officer Wilson Phillips in 2020, alleging they cost the organization tens of millions of dollars in questionable spending. , including lucrative consulting contracts for former employees and gifts for friends and vendors. Frazer and Phillips have denied wrongdoing.


New York State Attorney General Letitia James speaks during a press conference to announce a lawsuit to dissolve the NRA on August 6, 2020 in New York City. (Michael M. Santiago/Getty Images)

Powell’s deal announcement was made Friday, the same day LaPierre said he was resigning from the NRA. It comes just days before the start of a civil trial over allegations that LaPierre treated himself to millions of dollars in private jet flights, yacht trips, African safaris and other extravagant perks at the expense of the powerful gun rights organization.

As part of the settlement, Powell admitted to breaching his fiduciary responsibilities and misusing charitable funds, James’ office said.

“Joshua Powell’s admission of wrongdoing and Wayne LaPierre’s resignation confirm what we have asserted for years: the NRA and its top leaders are financially corrupt,” James said in a statement. “More than three years ago, my office sued the NRA and its senior management for financial abuse and mismanagement. These are important victories in our case, and we look forward to ensuring that the NRA and the defendants face justice for their actions.”

The NRA has long alleged that the case was politically motivated, arguing that James violated the group’s First Amendment rights and carried out selective enforcement of state laws governing nonprofits because he disagreed with the defense of weapons by the group.

Both while campaigning for attorney general and after being elected, James had publicly condemned the NRA as “a deadly propaganda organ disguised as a charity for the public good,” a “terrorist organization,” and as “nothing more than an organization.” criminal”. company.” In a September 2018 interview, she said she was “looking forward to taking on all the banks that fund them, their investors,” the NRA told Fox News Digital last week.

LaPierre said his departure from the NRA will take effect Jan. 31. The trial is scheduled to begin Monday. LaPierre was in court last week for jury selection and is expected to testify at trial. The NRA said he will continue to fight the lawsuit, which could result in a further restructuring of his leadership and the appointment of an independent monitor to oversee his finances.

Powell poses for magazine photo shoot

Former National Rifle Association official Joshua Powell admitted wrongdoing in a settlement with New York Attorney General Letitia James’ office. (Washington Post/Getty Images)


“With pride in all we have accomplished, I announce my resignation from the NRA,” LaPierre said in a statement released by the organization, which said he was leaving for health reasons. “I have been a chartered member of this organization for most of my adult life and will never stop supporting the NRA and its fight to defend Second Amendment freedom. My passion for our cause burns as deeply as ever.”

James, a Democrat, confirmed that the trial will continue as scheduled. LaPierre’s departure “validates our allegations against him, but will not absolve him or the NRA of responsibility,” James said in a statement.

Andrew Arulanandam, a senior NRA lieutenant who served as LaPierre’s spokesman, will assume his duties on an interim basis, the organization said.

The NRA remains a strong political force, and Republican presidential hopefuls flocked to its annual convention last year. However, in recent years, the organization has been beset by financial problems, dwindling membership and infighting among its 76-member board of directors, and lingering questions about LaPierre’s leadership and spending, according to the Associated Press.

LaPierre on stage at NRA event

Wayne LaPierre (AP Photo/Darron Cummings/File)

After reporting a $36 million deficit in 2018, driven primarily by improper spending, the NRA cut long-standing programs that had been central to its mission for decades, including training and education, recreational shooting and safety initiatives. application of the law. In 2021, the organization filed for bankruptcy and tried to incorporate in Texas instead of New York, where it was founded as a nonprofit charity in 1871, but a judge rejected the move, saying it was a transparent attempt to circumvent James’s demand.


LaPierre, 74, has run the NRA’s day-to-day operations since 1991, serving as the face and vehement voice of its gun rights agenda and becoming one of the most influential figures in shaping the NRA’s gun policy. USA. He once warned of “booted government thugs” grabbing guns, hired movie star Charlton Heston to be the organization’s president, and condemned gun control advocates as “opportunists” who “exploit the tragedy for profit.”

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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