Michael Cohen testifies in Donald Trump's hush money trial

Michael Cohen leaves his apartment building on his way to Manhattan Criminal Court on Monday, May 13, in New York. Julia Nikhinson/AP

Michael Cohen knows his cross-examination by Donald Trump's legal team will not be friendly because that will be the former president's defense, CNN chief legal correspondent Paula Reid said Monday.

This is how they will present their case on behalf of their client. “They are going to try to present Michael Cohen as a liar seeking revenge against his former boss,” Reid explained.

The defense will attempt to discredit Cohen through a multimedia presentation that includes the following, according to Reid:

  • Clips from Cohen's podcast
  • Excerpts from his book
  • His numerous interviews over the last six years in which he has attacked Trump

But while Trump's lawyer, Todd Blanche, will want to go after Cohen, he needs to tread carefully, Reid added.

“You don't want to attack him so hard that you give Michael Cohen sympathy. So this is a big test,” he stated. “This will be the case for the defense, which is why you haven't seen Todd Blanche do much cross-examination. “It has focused exclusively on Michael Cohen.”

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