Live updates: Trump returns to Washington DC to meet with Republican allies

Florida Sen. Marco Rubio characterized the meeting with former President Donald Trump as “getting the team together” and providing information on the status of the former president's campaign.

“Optimism, but there is a lot of work to do,” Rubio said.

It was a “fantastic meeting,” said Texas Sen. Ted Cruz. “President Trump was in a very good mood, focused on taking back the White House.”

Tennessee Sen. Bill Hagerty called the meeting “good.”

Alabama Sen. Tommy Tuberville said the mood in the room was one of “unification, leadership,” which he said were “few and far between up here.”

Louisiana Sen. Bill Cassidy said he was interested to see what Trump's press conference went like, since he didn't understand it.

“I was a point for the president to connect with the people who are in this city,” Cassidy said.

When asked if there was any talk about Trump's possible pick for vice president, Rubio laughed and said no.

Asked how the party can unite when some senior Republicans had previously blamed Trump for the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol, Sen. JD Vance of Ohio said: “No real Republicans with credibility in the party yet “He blames him.”

“He expressed frustration with the recent trial, as you can imagine, and rightly so in my opinion,” said Texas Senator John Cornyn. He said Trump did not mention January 6.

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