Live Updates: Hunter Biden Gun Trial

On Capitol Hill, Democrats are rejecting attempts to compare Hunter Biden's trial to former President Donald Trump's conviction last week.

“Hunter Biden is not running for president. “President Donald Trump is running for president,” said Rep. Jamie Raskin of Maryland. He also noted that Democrats have not rushed to defend Hunter Biden in this criminal case, nor have they alleged that the trial is a “sham” as they claimed. the Republicans did with the Trump trial.

“Democrats are not saying that Hunter Biden's trial is a sham, that it is a fraud, that it is rigged. “We are not attacking the justice system,” Raskin said.

“They do so because of the extraordinary cognitive dissonance that a party – which claims to represent religious piety – has become embroiled in by a convicted sex offender and fraudster who was just convicted by a jury of his peers for paying $130,000 in money to maintain his silence. a porn star just after the birth of his fifth child. “That’s where your party is.”

Representative Robert Garcia of California agreed: “He is not the president of the United States, he is not a public figure.

“So Hunter Biden should be held accountable for anything he has done,” he said, adding that this “is not comparable to the multiple crimes that Donald Trump has clearly committed.”

Asked how Hunter's trial could affect his father's chances in November, Garcia responded: “I think the president loves his son. And I think we can all agree that Hunter made some mistakes and needs to be held accountable for them. I don't think they have anything to do with him being elected president.”

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